Chapter 323: Rune God Seed, The Terrifying Jack Clark (Seeking Monthly Ticket)

After reaching high-order levels, every breakthrough of a heaven layer would trigger a heaven-human interlink.

The so-called heaven and earth resonance is a kind of 'creation'; at the seventh layer, heaven and earth bestow the true martial arts phantom with 'reality', while the eighth layer grants the body 'vitality reshaping'.

And the first breakthrough at the Seventh Layer Heaven is of utmost importance, for there can't be a continuation without a beginning.

At this moment, under the influence of heaven and earth resonance, the vitality deep within Jack Clark's body was fully stimulated. Influenced by the merging true martial arts phantom, his flesh and blood began to be remodeled and underwent transformation.

This rebirth through flesh and blood transformation is to re-align the human body, originally incompatible with Heavenly Energy, back to an innate state, so that eventually every breath resonates with this energy.