Chapter 326: Heavenly Tier Monarch Giant Beast, Top-tier Rule - Destruction (Thanks to the sun and moon tycoon in the jar)_2

As these black bolts of lightning appeared, an even fiercer and more violent aura permeated the air.

Boom, boom, boom! The sky shook, and the sea roared.

Around the black lightning, space shattered, forming pitch-black cracks with teeth and claws that were as formidable as the Deep Red Thunder in its Gigantified state.

At the same time, the form of the Thunderflame Emperor Dragon also began to change, its muscles, including those on its limbs, bulged even more, becoming more formidable, more fierce.

Simultaneously, the muscles and bones inside its body underwent a transformation under the 'strength,' with its golden-red flesh and blood gradually turning black gold, akin to a super-strong black gold alloy.

Including its blood and internal organs, everything was strengthened and tempered under this terrifying power, becoming even more powerful and containing more horrific destructive forces.