Chapter 332: Ancient Titan Creature, Breakthrough Late Stage 9 (Seeking Monthly Votes)

Dark clouds shrouded the skies, lava flowed across the obscured land, and red flames burned.

At the edge of a massive pit of destruction, the Thunderflame Emperor Dragon was rummaging through trash, carefully picking up fist-sized crystals from piles of rocks.

However, given its colossal size of two hundred and seventy meters, the scene seemed oddly discordant.

Only after turning the rubble piles twice and using its domain power to crush each piece of rock did the Thunderflame Emperor Dragon nod in satisfaction.

This was the fourth Scalefire Alien Town it had destroyed. Having demolished four altars in a row, it had collected almost three hundred crystals.

Even though the crystals' energy from levels four to six had severely depleted due to the sacrifices, the Thunderflame Emperor Dragon anticipated that the converted attribute points would still exceed ten thousand.

Even the Thunderflame Emperor Dragon was somewhat excited by this haul.