Chapter 348: Blood Sacrifice Array, The Demon King Descends (Seeking Monthly Votes)_2

And after moving out of the surveillance range of the mining area, Charles Klein carefully pretended to be patrolling the surroundings, occasionally standing atop huge trees hundreds of meters tall to look around.

During this time, he killed more than a dozen fierce creatures of fourth and fifth grades, which were ten to twenty meters in size, behaving very normally.

It wasn't until he slowly arrived at a forest one hundred kilometers away, reeking of decay, that Charles Klein's face revealed a hint of excitement. He dug out a grey stone plate from beneath a dead tree.

Then, from the trunk above, he took out something like a black diamond and carefully placed it in the center of the stone plate.

In an instant, a force of darkness spread out, and strange runes on the stone plate flickered, casting the shape of an eerie black figure in the air.