Chapter 359 The Awakening of the Mythical Giant Beast, Innate Gods and Demons_2

In an instant, Jack Clark's field of vision shifted, and he found himself on a desolate land floating deep in the Void, spanning only dozens of kilometers.


As soon as Jack landed, his body suddenly sank, the ground beneath him, hard beyond measure, cracked, and with the sound of crackling, crevices spread out for hundreds of meters.

"So heavy!" Jack's face showed seriousness.

This place was like the interior of a planet; between Heaven and Earth was filled with a heavy, terrifying gravity, a force so powerful it could instantly crush an Eighth Layer Expert and compress an aircraft carrier into a slab of steel.

This crushing force filled the World, an intangible material pressing on every muscle, bone, organ, and even cell in the body, making even Jack feel uncomfortable.

No wonder the 'Earth' here is so flat.