Chapter 360 Thunderflame. The Destruction of the Heavenly Dragon, Arrival of the Blood God_3

Even Jack Clark let out a small sigh of relief.

Because he could still evolve, it represented that the Thunder Flame Heavenly Dragon could continue to break through after reaching the peak of the Ancient Titan and eventually become an existence beyond the ancient.

Boom! The space above the ocean trembled, and a powerful repulsion force came from the depths of the Void, causing the flames on the three pairs of feather horns of the Thunder Flame Heavenly Dragon to flicker.

"As expected, after being separated by an entire world, the pathway between the original body and the Avatar cannot be opened." As the silver runes on the feather horns gradually dimmed, a trace of regret appeared in the eyes of the Thunder Flame Heavenly Dragon.

Because if the Spatial Channel could not be opened, it could not send the Life Crystal through, which meant it couldn't strengthen its Chaos Black Pattern talent immediately.