Chapter 361 True. God Slayer Jack Clark, Sentenced to Death_2


Damn this human, damn him, today he must be killed, his soul cast into the blood river to suffer eternal torment, never to be reborn.

Akunus's voice was cold and deep, almost gnashing his teeth as he said, "Kill him."

"Yes, my god," Karola and the other two replied with a sharp look in their eyes, their auras belonging to the experts of Eight Layer Heaven and Nine Layers Heaven exploding, surrounded by blood light, ready to strike.

Jack Clark suddenly spoke up, "Wait."

"What else do you want to say?" Akunus asked coldly, thinking he was begging for mercy.

Jack's expression was calm as he replied lightly, "Wait for me to make a breakthrough."


The aura around Jack surged violently, breaking through to the Late Eighth Layer Heaven, with rings of white waves rolling around him, forming a raging wind howling in all directions.