Chapter 363: The Overlord Who Unites the Seas, the Dragon of Time

Soaring into the heavens, a majestic building thousands of meters tall stood at its peak, where a woman with golden hair radiated faintly with white light as she stood before a window, overlooking the world beneath her.

At that moment, a respectful voice came from outside the distant office door.

"Reporting to the throne, Colonel Freya Louise has arrived."

The golden-haired woman turned her head and said indifferently, "Let her come in."


As the door opened, Freya entered and respectfully said, "I have seen the Gabriel Throne."

In the presence of this Heavenly King powerhouse, named after the archangel and seraph from mythical legends, Freya did not dare to be negligent and was very polite and courteous.

Although her special Mecha possessed mythical-level combat capabilities, she was essentially still an advanced cultivator.