Chapter 364: Cherishing Harmony, The Demise of the Mythical Form_3

"Roar! I am the King of Day and Night Spacetime, Candle Dragon!"

As they saw one after another mighty giant beast emerging, the Red Flood Dragon opened its mouth wide, the Dragon Palace Giant Beast Empire seemed to have more than one king.

Finally, in awe, confusion, and chaos, the Red Flood Dragon left with two giant beasts, disappearing into the Undersea Rotating Silver Vortex.

In the rolling clouds, Thunderflame Dragon King's terrifying roar echoed: "Roar! All beasts follow me and trample over the remaining two world passageways!"

"Roar roar roar!! Slay, trample, crush, today, screw them up!"

Roar roar!! Trample the ocean, dominate the world. The deep-sea dragon turtle was ecstatic, surrounded by roaring giant beasts, their morale soaring.

Their Dragon Palace strength was too great, subduing a mythical giant beast empire even before the battle began.