Chapter 365: The Mythical Destruction Form, The Purple Dragon Egg Hatches_3

Boom! Space shattered, and the crimson behemoth transformed into a red bolt of lightning, charging into the spatial region with earth-shattering might, spanning tens of kilometers.

Bang bang bang! In front of the domineering crimson behemoth, the invisible spatial domain covering tens of kilometers collapsed, creating a straight black path through it.


Faced with the threat of death, the magma behemoth roared angrily, unleashing all its power within its body. The burning flames almost ignited the sky and earth, while its two claws, wrapped in the energy of laws, lunged towards the crimson behemoth.

The two massive creatures collided in an instant.

Boom! A circle of red destruction exploded, causing the Volcanic Island to shatter instantaneously. Lava and rocks mixed with seawater filled the sky for tens of kilometers, creating an appalling sight.

Roar! At this moment, a scream rang out.