Chapter 366 Creation Origin, Thunderflame: I'm Not Your Parents_2

"I found you in a small world back then; you were about to die, and only after absorbing some of my Life Energy did you stop the ebb of your life."

"However, little one, you absorbed a lot of my Life Energy, and now that you've hatched, consider me your brother."

Yiya!? The little guy blinked his large eyes in confusion, seemingly asking what a brother is.

The Thunder Flame Heavenly Dragon growled softly, "A brother is the closest dragon to you besides your parents. From now on, follow me around until you grow up."

After the Thunder Flame Heavenly Dragon finished speaking, the little guy tilted his head to think and, seemingly understanding what a brother was, nodded happily with his eyes shining.

Yiya, yiya!! The purple little dragon turned into a streak of purple radiance, joyfully circling the grand and rugged 'forest' of Scale Horns on top of the Thunder Flame Heavenly Dragon's head.