Chapter 369: The Unity of Man and Dragon, Expedition to the Mythical World



Along with the explosion of the Reincarnation Cabin, a figure emerged, surrounded by white Divine Light and exuding a powerful aura.

In an instant, it was as though the light from the runes of an altar ceremony brightened dramatically, with countless rune powers converging to form a white pathway linking the Void Burial Ground and the research lab.

"Miss Joseline, we succeeded!"

Inside the lab, Crystal Boyce, who had been keeping watch, revealed a look of surprise and excitement. Her eyes reddened as she watched that figure step onto the white pathway.

After over a decade of planning by the Mysterious Martial Sky King, along with some unforeseen factors, the girl finally underwent a phoenix-like rebirth amidst fire and ashes.

In Crystal Boyce's excited gaze, the figure treaded through the void, with each step flashing at a seemingly slow yet actually astonishing speed, approaching the real world.