Chapter 379 New Demon God's Descent, The Essence of Civilization War_2

Jack Clark was preparing to integrate the space runes engraved on his right arm into the space-time mark, making certain modifications to perfect the concept of using Summoning Breath and Sky-based Strikes he had initially conceived.

Because summoning a single Breath or a single Sky-based attack would consume much less energy, while also enriching his combat tactics.

For example, after breaking through to the king-level and infiltrating deep into the territory of the Purgatory Family, he could summon a Sky-based Strike with the full force of a Thunderflame Demon Dragon from hundreds or even thousands of kilometers away.

With one strike, he could destroy a huge city with king-level defense, eradicate countless members of the Purgatory Demon Race, and pose a threat even greater than the billions of tons equivalent of Crystal Energy Hydrogen Bombs currently possessed by the Human Race.