Chapter 383: The Eight Great Demon God Empires, The Demon Dragon Awakens

Before the start of this operational meeting, the think tank and the God Machine Armament, Vava, had already conducted numerous simulations and set up dozens of possible scenarios.

For instance, our side might gain a slight advantage and expand our point of impact to greatly damage the enemy, or the enemy could suddenly have more powerful fighters—perhaps even Demon God Level Powerhouses—to face.

Compared with the exposed number of high-level powerhouses of the Human Race, the true strength of The Purgatory Family is even more terrifying.

Take the existence of Demon God Level individuals, for example—there are over a dozen of them, with each of the Eight Great Demon God Empires being guarded by at least one, and sometimes even two, Demon God Level strong men.

Not to mention the Great Demon Kings and demon kings below them, as well as the elite armies that have been fighting for who knows how many years.