Chapter 393 Devouring the Demon King, The Return of the Thunderflame True Body (Major Chapter)_5


Boom! The Gentry Gail and the Eight-Tailed Heavenly Fox, who had held on for so long, were sent flying by the entire space, spewing blood as they, along with the space itself, were smashed and hurled into the Void.

Even at the Mythical Peak, they were still mere myths when faced with the Great Demon King, not to mention the Great Demon King who had burst forth his Origin Power and entered an Awakened State.

Just then, an urgent voice from Gentry Gail echoed from the Void, "Eight-tails, stop him!"

Bang, bang, bang! The space shattered like a mirror, and eight thousand-meter-long white tails pierced through the Void.

"Seeking death!" Barus's eyes flared with ferocity as he watched the white fox tails, which spanned across heaven and earth, emitting White Divine Light and churning with the Power of Heaven and Earth.