Chapter 395 True. Crushing the Demon King, The Fall of a Star_2

This is the Civilization Battlefield, where it isn't just about comparing the strengths of both sides, but also the consumption of logistics.

With the arrival of Jack Clark, and the Number One that could directly devour demon kings, these king-level strong men saw hope in eliminating more demon kings and started to fight desperately.

Before this, no king-level or demon king dared to burst out recklessly, for if they became weak after a burst, they would be surrounded and attacked, risking annihilation.

"You bully demons too far," said Bud, who descended from the sky with the Suppressing Heaven Divine Seal in his hand to block him, while Barus showed anger on his face.

To think that a mere human at the late period of the Mythical-level actually tried to block it, a Great Demon King, even if it was heavily injured, it was not something a king-level could insult.