Chapter 560

As the mighty army set off, surging towards the Sky Curtain Battlefield, a black-red colored Mecha, towering a kilometer high, slowly approached the edge of a dark area spanning a thousand kilometers.

The aura emanating from Number One at this moment was extremely heavy, with an ancient aura swirling around it as if an enormous creature from ancient times had descended.

With each heavy step it took, Heaven and Earth trembled, distant mountain peaks collapsed one after another, and smoke and dust billowed with a terrifying momentum.

Upon reaching the edge of the space-time distortion emanated by Jack Clark's closed-door cultivation, Number One halted its steps, and a look of solemnity appeared in its eyes as it gazed forward.

Deep within the darkness, the vague silhouette of a massive, terrifying creature could be seen, its presence fearsome.

"Freya Louise, you're not heading to the frontline?"