Chapter 560

With that thought in mind, Brooks spoke in a heavy tone, "Have our spies from the Human Race side provided any detailed explanation of the strength of the Callum Deity Alliance and the Heavenly Feather Clan army?"

"This… No, they haven't." The Purgatory True Demon was taken aback.


"Then, approximately how many Demon King Level Strong and Grand Demon King Level Strong did the opponent allocate to support their army?"

The Purgatory True Demon hesitated: "This… Lord, there is no such information either."

Brooks's brow furrowed, and his gaze suddenly turned icy: "It's one thing to lack detailed information, but to not even have an approximate number, how am I supposed to assess the importance of the intelligence?"

"If this time the two clans merely made a token gesture, dispatching just a few armies to aid the Human Race, yet we reported it as if they were committing their full strength."