Chapter 403 Tearing the Mythical Giant Beast Alive, The Invincible Destruction Emperor Dragon (Large Chapter)_5

Boom! The massive body of the Deep Red Giant Beast roared into motion, its heavy footsteps crushing the Void as it stepped towards the Bi Giant Beast, exuding a terrifying oppressive aura.

Watching the encroaching Deep Red Giant Beast, the Bi Giant Beast instinctively stepped back under the invisible, destructive coercion.

Roar! Suddenly, the Bi Giant Beast let out a fierce roar, its body exploding with golden light that transformed into roaring golden flames, its aura swelling several times in an instant.


Under the explosion of its bloodline power, the Bi Giant Beast shattered the space around it, turning into a golden light that shot explosively into the distance, not even thinking before turning to flee.

The sudden turn of events caused the Deep Red Giant Beast, which had expected a fight to the death, to halt, then its eyes flickered with murderous light.