Chapter 593 True Name 'Tian', Arrival of the Immortal Spirit_3

"And none of that matters. What's important is that our goal has been achieved."

Tyris's voice was steady, his expression detached and calm, "Now, without that Summoned Giant Beast, there is no one in the Human Alliance who can stand against me."

Tyris was confident; even before he had assimilated the trunk of the Eternal Divine Tree, the peak of his battle prowess with two True Demon God Bodies merged was comparable to a demi True Spirit.

Now, a single True Demon God Body had reached the limit of Demon Gods, and with both True Bodies merged, he would completely surpass the Demon God Limit, obtaining the strength to directly contend with a true True Spirit entity.

Although it was just the kind of 'ordinary' True Spirit who had just entered the True Spirit Realm, and had no ability to battle above their level.

Even so, his strength still reigned supreme over all demons.