Chapter 25 - Reason to Hate Olivia(2)


The faint sound of crimson liquid dripping onto the floor tiles resonated within the room, where a man stood, his hands loosened and drenched in blood trickling from his fingertips.

"Didn't you hear? Who are you?"


The entire chilling scene was abruptly disrupted by the man's voice, his amber gaze fixated on the men, sweat beads tracing their cheeks, their horror palpable in their faces.

Among them, one with a hint of courage slowly controlled his quivering lips, whispering his last words, "Y-you, Tyra—"



Suddenly struggling to breathe, he grasped his neck as a thin red line appeared, attempting to turn his head to face the figure responsible for his agony.

However, his head detached from his body, falling away. His last sight was a beautiful woman staring coldly at him.