*Chapter 37- Do you know her Bloodline's ability?

"If you wish to be my knight, then defeat Bella," Ryuk turned towards Celes as he proposed the condition for her to become his knight.

'He is at this again.' Alisia, seeing how Ryuk just tried to create trouble for Bella, didn't feel much surprised.

Since her arrival, they had been constantly at odds.

Turning towards Bella, who was busy in her training just outside Ryuk's window, Alisia sighed, understanding that even after not winning once, the girl kept trying to provoke him.

'At least, he has something childish about him.' Already becoming habitual of the mature side, Ryuk showed while involved in the kingdom's affairs to rigorously training all day, the small struggle between Bella and him kept Alisia slightly relieved that he still had some childish side.