Chapter 41 - Meeting Diana Riantain

"I hope you will come again, Sister Luna," Diana waved, observing Luna leave the mansion after discussing some family-related matters.

"Yeah, going, going, but you have to tell me about that boy," Luna replied without turning, moving out of the hallway.

She couldn't find much information from Diana's words but was somewhat relieved, knowing she doesn't have to worry about Diana's safety now.

"Sure," Diana said as her hand slowly loosened, and a smile formed on her face.

She turned towards her room, entered, and closed the door behind her.

'So, she is unaware of Ryuk's presence.' Diana made her way towards one of the drawers in the room, placing her hand on a statue before turning its body to the left.


Suddenly, the wall started to tremble before opening, revealing a pathway leading to another space.

Slowly, Diana made her way inside the now-opened doors before the walls enclosed again.