Chapter 135- Come to know about death of Ryuk Von Selvius (1)


A sound resonated, tearing through the serene night sky above the Titanora, a huge ship seemingly accentuated by the moonlight yet appearing to be in a dire state.

The metallic exterior bore cannon marks, broken in places. Despite the ship's humongous size, the impact seemed to have been caused by a beast of the same level, strong enough to breach the outer layer of shielding.

Inside the main control center of the battleship:



"Khugh!" A small silhouette was thrown by the impact of a punch, directly colliding with the metal wall before falling to the floor in a coiled position.

"Wait! Please, young master, he is the chief engineer!" An old man with several blood clots, a swollen face with bandaged eyes, and wounds visible through tattered clothes pleaded.