Chapter 255- Zhen'er died?

It has already been two hours since the morning arrived and bathed the whole Jade Dominion in its warmth, making its way through the lower town and even towards the edge of the lower town where forests and less populated areas for individuals were present.

Within this area, a wooden house next to the lake looked stunning for its simple yet peaceful appearance, being close to the forest with birds chirping and small animals like rabbits and moles visible around.

"Hmm...." inside the house, a woman, wearing nothing while covered in a blanket, laid on the nearby wooden bed with the thin fabric accentuating her curves and the sun's rays fluttering her eyes, which was a first experience for her since she had never before felt her vision being flashed.

Normally, every time it was only darkness, and yet even though she didn't open her eyes, she could sense the bright light around her.