Chapter - 03

Alisha POV

I looked at myself one last time in the floor mirror. I am wearing a black bodycon dress. It's not too revealing, but it's sexy. It's hiding my scar and hugging my body perfectly. It falls into my mid-thigh and has long sleeves.

My collarbone is slightly showing, and the dress is emphasizing the curvatures of my body. I wear a black four-inch stiletto heel that's displaying my long, shiny legs. I did some slight makeup and kept my hair open, making it fall onto my upper thigh.

My phone lit up and made a dingy sound. I looked at my phone and saw Jenny had sent me a text saying she was outside. The time on my phone showed me it was 7 p.m. I took my purse and made my way downstairs.

My dad and Adrian are not home yet. Mom is sitting on the couch and reading some books while drinking coffee. Mom is a book lover, like me. She noticed me and closed her book. I flashed her a smile, went to her, and kissed her cheek.

I told them one of our classmates was throwing a party at her house, and I would like to go there. At first, they didn't agree, but after whining for hours, they agreed to let me go but told me to be back before midnight. I couldn't tell them the truth, that's why I lied. Mom and Dad, I'm sorry for lying.

"You look so pretty, my cutie-pie," Mom said, and kissed my cheek.

"Remember, no alcohol, no unhealthy foods, and if you feel uncomfortable, call me or Adrian, understand?" she said, giving me a serious look, and I nodded.

"Yes, mam. I will go now. Jenny is waiting for me outside. I will be back safe. I love you," I said and hugged her before making my way outside.

Jenny is waiting for me inside her Porsche car. I got into her car, and she visibly checked me out.

"Well, today's temperature is going to rise at the bar because of your hotness," she said, and I smiled. This girl. She is always like this.

"And you are going to make everyone faint because of your breathtaking beauty," I said, and we busted into laughter.

She wore a black silk dress. It's falling onto her knee, and it's off-shoulder, making her collarbone on full display. She looks stunning. She started to drive, and after a half-hour's drive, we reached our destination. She parked her car, and we made our entrance into the bar.

Loud music is banging on my ear. I'm in a bar. A BAR... I finally made my appearance here. I looked around the well-lit bar. There is a huge dance floor, a bar where bartenders are making drinks, and some seating places. I'm so excited.

I can't drink because of my health, but I will make sure to have a lot of fun without alcohol. We are on the first floor. On the second floor, there are karaoke rooms. On the third floor, there are VIP rooms. And on the other floors, there are suites.

This is a luxury bar where not everyone can enter. That's the information Jenny gave me. People are dancing, some are getting drunk, and some are making out—wait, what? They are making out openly. Is it okay? Dudes, get a room.

Now I'm regretting coming here a little bit. If my family finds out that I'm in such a great and decent place, I will be doomed. Okay, stop. Let's not think about it. Be brave, Alisha. They won't find out; just enjoy the night with your friend. That's why you came here.

Our classmates waved their hands, indicating their location. I and Jenny made our way toward them. We took our seats and ordered our drinks. I ordered a non-alcoholic drink, and they gave me a weird look.

Since the moment my mom got to know I would go to a party, she has told me a thousand times about what to do and what not to do.

"I just recently went through surgery, guys," I said.

The waiter bought our drinks. The table is full of alcohol and snacks. I want to drink, but I want to live too. And the doctor told me to always eat healthy food and stay far away from unhealthy food, and alcohol is forbidden until I fully recover.

Moreover, I didn't come here to drink, and if my family finds out I'm here, then it's the end. Alcohol is not that important. I was stuck in my house for months, and all I wanted was to go out and have fun. My family has become more overprotective than before. And it was driving me crazy.

"How are you now?" My classmate Stefany asked.

"Good," I replied shortly.

"How is your guy's life going?" Jenny asked, and they started to tell their stories.

I just sat there quietly and held some brief conversations with them.

My attention drifted to the dance floor. People are dancing like there is no tomorrow. It looks fun. I want to dance too, but I don't want to go to the dance floor alone because dancing alone looks weird. I nudged Jenny and said,

"Jenny, I want to dance. Do you wanna dance?" Jenny's eyes sparked with excitement.

"I do. I was thinking about it. Let's go," she said and pulled me to the dance floor.

Some of our classmates joined us. Excitement filled my core, and we swung with music. It feels like after decades I have been this happy. Mom and Dad are wrong. The bars are not that bad.

I can feel men gazing at me. But I didn't bother with them; because right now, all I care about is living in these moments.

Suddenly, I felt a cold gaze on me, and chills ran down my spine. I stopped dancing and looked around. But I didn't find anything. What was that? What was that feeling? Was I imagining things?

I flinched when someone grabbed my shoulder. I slowly looked at the person and sighed in relief when I found out it was Jenny. She gave me a concerned look.

"What happened? Are you okay? Should we go back?" She asked. I shook my head and said,

"I'm fine; don't worry. Just a little tired."

"Then let's take some rest," she said, and I nodded.

We left the dance floor and went to our table. I can still feel the same gaze on me. Jenny is looking at me worriedly. Some of our classmates come down from the dance floor and sit with us, and some are still dancing like crazy.

"I'm getting bored," Ashley said, and everyone's faces were saying that they were too.

"Let's play some games," Ashley said excitedly.

"What game?" Jenny asked.

"Truth and dare," she said, and everyone groaned. I have only heard of this game but have never played it before. I always wanted to play it.

"This game is old. Suggest something else," Jake said. Why? I want to play.

"No, no other game. We are playing this game, and that's final. Also, haven't you heard? Old is gold," Ashley said.

Everyone at first whined but gradually agreed. We placed an empty bottle in the middle of the table and sat around it. My heart is beating wildly because of excitement. Ashley spun the bottle, and it stopped on Jake, the very first one to object to playing this game. Everyone laughed, and he glared at us.

"Truth or Dare?" Ashley asked with a hint of mischief in her tone.

"I hate this game. Truth."

"Come on, you are a man. You should have chosen dare." Ashley whined.

"To die in your hand, no thanks," Jake said.

"Do you like anyone present here romantically?" she asked.

"Yes," he said, and everyone gasped.

"Who?" Ashley asked. He looked at me with a weird expression and said,

"My turn has ended."

He spun the bottle again. Why did he look at me like that? Ah, forget about it. The game goes on, and it's getting more interesting each time. All of their secrets are coming out, one by one. It's so much fun. And all of a sudden, the bottle unfortunately stopped at me.

"Truth or Dare?" Jake asked.


"Do you have a boyfriend?" he asked.

"No, I don't," I said, and he smiled.

He murmured something, but I didn't hear it properly. I don't like the way he looks at me. I spun the bottle, and it again stopped on me. I placed my lips in a thin line.


"No. As per the rules, you're not allowed to choose the truth since you have already chosen it once," Stefany said, and I groaned.

Based on the dares they had given others, I'm sure mine was going to be something horrible.

"So, here is your dare: Do you see the man sitting there?" Stefany asked while pointing at the man who was sitting at another table.

I can't clearly see his face because of the dim lights. But I nodded anyway.

"Go to him and ask for his number. If he gives you his number, you have to kiss him, but if he doesn't, then slap him."

My eyes widened from the shock. Is she crazy?

"No, asking his number is okay, but why should I kiss him or slap him," I said.

"That's right. Change the dare," Jake said.

"No, dare is called dare for some reason, and if you don't complete the dare, you have to drink five tequilas," she said.

They have got to be kidding me. This is going too far.

"Hey, you can do it. Just make sure you get his number and kiss his cheek. She didn't mention where to kiss, right?" Jenny whispered in my ear.

Do I really have to do this? I mentally faced palm myself and sighed.

"Fine," I said and stood up.

They cheered for me. With each step I took toward him, my heartbeat increased. I stood beside his table. There are guards around him, and I want to chicken out. I looked back at Jenny, and she mouthed at me, 'Fighting'. I gulped and mastered all of my courage. I went to him and said,

"Excuse me."

He looked at me, and my breath hitched. Is this man real? How can someone like him exist in real life?

He has slightly tan skin which is glowing under the light. His black tuxedo is clinging to his body, and showing his well-built body. The buttons on his shirt are holding on for their dear life. His long, veiny hand is holding a glass of whiskey, and swinging it slowly. His jet-black hair is perfectly styled, but some strands are hanging in front of his eyes.

His ocean-blue eyes are looking straight into mine. His sharp jawline and sculpted cheekbones made my hand itch for touch. He is like a character coming to life from a novel. I'm too mesmerized by his beauty to utter a single word. He raised his perfect thin black eyebrow, and asked,

"Do you want something?"

Damn, his voice is so deep. What do I want? Why am I here again? Oh yeah, the dare.

"I-I... Can I have your number?" I asked, stuttering.

Normally people ask for the name first and then the number, but since it's a dare, let's escape the steps.

My heart is beating fast from anticipation and also from the fear of getting rejected. He stopped swinging his glass and placed it on the table. His cold eyes are piercing into my soul, making a shiver run down my spine. The same cold feeling I felt on the dance floor came into me. I mentally shook my head.

The way he is looking at me is making me question my life decisions. What if he rejects me? That will be hella embarrassing, and I will have to slap him. Please give me your number. I don't want to slap you. I promise to delete it right after the dare. He extended his hand, and I tilted my head and looked at him dumbfounded.

"You said you wanted my number. For that, you have to give me your phone," he said.

"Ye-yes, my phone."

I unlocked my phone and gave it to him. Thank God, I don't have to slap him, but wait, I have to kiss him. I mentally screamed. I bite my lips out of nervousness.

What will he think of me? But why should it matter what he thinks about me? He typed his number and called his phone. After that, he gave me my phone and said,


Okay, I can do it. Be brave. I went close to him, and he frowned. I gathered all my courage. I bend down to him to kiss his cheek, but he turns his face toward me, and instead of his cheek, my lips meet his lips. My eyes widened, and I froze. I kissed his lips.

I backed away from him and blinked twice before running from there instantly without looking back. His guards were looking at me with wide mouths. My heart is beating wildly. My first kiss, damn it. I stopped at my table and sat down.

"Alisha, breathe," Jenny said.

"What?" I asked.

"I said breath. You are holding your breath," she said again, and I noticed I was really holding my breath.

I breathed out, and my heart was beating like it would come out of my rib cage at any moment.

"Girl, your face is as red as a tomato." Ashley teased.

"Shut up!" I said.

"Guys, I didn't notice at first, but do you know who is the man that Alisha kissed," Stefany said. We all looked at her, confused.

"Who?" Jenny asked.

"Every girl's dream man and a man who never even bothered to glance at girls.... ALEXANDER MORETTI..."