Chapter - 13

Alisha pov

I'm staring at the flower bouquet in my hand gloomily. After that day, Alexander started to give me flowers every day. He would bring me those flowers by himself, even though he was busy. How do I know he was busy? His secretary told me secretly. Every day he would bring different kinds of flowers, and give them to me, and flirt with me. His flirtatious words are cheesy, but they will still make me blush and make butterflies dance in my stomach. The flower he gives me makes me happy. And I like it when he calls me Butterfly.

I would find him leaning on his car with a flower bouquet in one hand and another hand in his pocket at the gate of my college, or he would appear out of nowhere when I hung out with Jenny. He wouldn't miss a day. Many people have seen him giving me flowers, and now I have become more famous than a celebrity. But thank God, no one has ever clicked any pictures of us. They did, but they never got released. I'm glad my family has no idea what is going on, or I would have no idea what to tell them. I always sneak the flowers into the house. I dried all of them and kept them safe.

Okay, back to the present. He has been wooing me for a month now. I have become used to him, and now I always unknowingly wait for him to show up. Funny how, at first, I used to run away from him, but now I wait for him. Today was the same. I was anticipating him, but he didn't show up. Instead of him, his secretary, Aaron, came and handed me the flower bouquet. He told me Alexander was stuck in something and was unable to come himself and sent him instead, but also that Alexander said he would later make up for today.

Disappointment filled me to my core, and today's flower is not making me happy, nor is it looking pretty. I sighed and stared at the bouquet, not wanting to have it. I can't deny it anymore. I started to feel something for Alexander. He made a crack on the walls around me. Some more blows, and it will break into pieces. But I'm afraid to admit it, afraid to accept him, because what if all of it is nothing but a sweet dream? A dream that will break as soon as I become his. My past and trust issues are shackling me.

"How long are you planning to stare at it?" Jenny asked.

We are sitting in a park instead of going home. As always, I received the flower after college, but not from the right person. Is he the right person for me?

"Are you missing him and disappointed that he didn't come?"

"Shut up, Jenny." I heard her sigh but didn't bother to look at her.

"We need to head home, Alisha. Your mom has been calling you. Because you are not picking up, she is calling me. I know why you are like this. I think it's time you came to a conclusion. Go home, take a warm shower, and think what you want, what your heart wants, okay?" she said, and I nodded.

She stood up and extended her hand. I grabbed it and stood up. As we were walking out of the park, a little girl was walking with her mother. Her eyes were looking at the bouquet in my hand, and she said in her cute voice.

"Woah, so pretty." I smiled at her cuteness, went to her, and bent down in front of her.

"Do you want it?" I asked, and she nodded.

"Here, it's yours now," I said, and offered the flowers to her. She looked at her mom for approval, and her mom nodded.

"Can I really have it?" I smiled and said,

"Yes, it's yours." She smiled and took the bouquet from me.

"Sweety, what do you have to say when you receive something?" her mom asked. She came close to me, and kissed my cheek, and said,

"Thank you, pretty lady."

"You're welcome," I said, and kissed her cheek too. I stood up and waved my hand at her as a goodbye, and she did it too.

"Last time I asked for just one flower from your bouquet, but you didn't give it, but today you gave the little girl the whole bouquet," she said and sighed.

Because I don't want this flower. But I didn't reply to her; just walked to the car. We got inside the car, and she started driving. The drive back home was quiet. In what is he so caught up that he didn't come? Hump.

"Stop sulking, Alisha. He must have had a reason for not coming today." I just humm. She stopped the car in front of my house and said,

"Don't overthink, okay?" I nodded.

"Cheer up," she said.

I gave her a smile that didn't reach my eyes and bid her goodbye. I got out of the car, and she drove off. I entered the house and saw Mom waiting for me. She saw me and came to me with concern-filled eyes.

"Where were you, Alisha? How many times have I called you?"

"I'm sorry, mom. I just went for a little walk."

"Okay, but at least send me a text that you will be late. I was so worried."

"I'm sorry, Mom."

"What happened? Are you okay?"

"Yes, just a little tired."

"Don't put too much pressure on yourself, okay?" she said, and I nodded.

"Go freshen up. Today I have made your favorite food," she said, and I smiled at her and muttered a thank you before going to my room.

As Jenny said, I went straight to the washroom, but I didn't take a shower. Instead, I made a bath for myself with scented bubbles. I stripped out of my clothes, and stepped into the bathtub, and soaked myself in the warm water. I relaxed my body and let the whole day's tiredness wash away, and thought about what I should do.

He didn't come today. This thing keeps repeating in my mind. Ughh, stop, Alisha. He didn't come for only one day. Stop overthinking. But what if he got tired of me? Isn't it good? I don't know anymore. Even after the discovery that I have some feelings for him, I still don't know if I'm willing to give him a chance. I'm scared that the same thing will happen again. As Jenny said, I have to come to a conclusion. It's either yes or no. My heart is saying yes, while my brain is telling me no. Which one is right?

I cleaned myself, and after some minutes, I stepped out of the bathtub. I dried myself and wore my pajamas. As I put my phone on charge, a knock came on my door, and our maid told me from outside of the door that dinner had been served. I looked at the clock and saw it was already dinner time. I guess I took a long bath today. I told her I would be there in a minute.

I made sure my phone was charging and went to the dining room and saw everyone seated and waiting for me. My mom has a rule that even if we don't eat lunch together, we will have breakfast and dinner together. But if we have plans or important work, then we can choose not to eat at home. I took my seat and greeted them, and we started eating our dinner. Dad and Adrian were talking about business, but one glare from Mom made them quiet. Mrs. Hart's power. Another rule of mom: no talking about work while we are eating. Now Adrian is talking about his days. I stayed quiet and listened to them. Suddenly, Mom asked,

"Alisha, is everything okay?"

"Yes, Mom," I said.

"Today, you are oddly quiet. What happened?" Dad asked.

"Really, nothing happened. I'm just feeling sleepy." I said, but they didn't look convinced.

"Darling, you can share anything with us. If anything is bothering you, just tell us. We are always here for you, okay?" Mom said, and I smiled at her.

"Yes, mom. Don't worry; if anything happens, I will tell you, guys." I assured them, and they nodded in understanding and continued eating.

I'm sorry for lying, but I don't know how or what to say. After eating, I wished them goodnight and went to my room. I flopped on the bed. Tomorrow is the weekend, and, as always, I'm going to hang out with Jenny, but I have no desire to go anywhere tomorrow. My phone made a ding sound, but I didn't bother to check it. I must come up with a decision tonight. I closed my eyes and pondered. He didn't do much, but I'm already rethinking my decision. My plan was to stay far away from him, but how did it turn out like this? Jenny's words come into my mind. 'Think about what you want, what your heart wants'.

A girl has to be stupid to date a man who she has known only for a month. My phone made a ding sound again, and, with frustration, I grabbed the phone and saw some messages and missed calls from an unknown number. I opened the messages and knotted my eyebrows in confusion.

Unknown: What are you doing?

Unknown: Miss me?

Who is this person?

Unknown: Why did you do that?

Unknown: Why did you give the flower to someone else?

The phone suddenly rang from an upcoming call, and it was from the same unknown number. I pondered whether to pick it up or not, and decided to cut the call. After I cut the call, another message came.

​Unknown: Pick up the call, butterfly.

My eyes widened, and my heartbeat quickened. It's Alexander. But how did he get my number? My phone rang again, and the phone almost slipped from my hand. I calmed myself, took a deep breath, and picked up the call.

"Butterfly," his deep voice called me, and all my calmness flew away, and my heart wanted to come out of my chest.

"H-hello," I stuttered.

"Missed me?"

"No," I said quickly. I heard him chuckle and then said,

"But I did."

I feel like he whispered those words in my ear. Why am I acting like this?

"Why did you call me? How did you get my number?"

"Why did you give the flowers to someone else?"

"I want my answer first."

"You forgot that we exchanged our numbers in the bar, butterfly." Oh, right.

"Now, my answer."

"Because the little girl wanted it."

"Lie. I want the truth, butterfly."

"I'm telling the trut–"

"Truth," he demanded. I bit my lips and whispered,

"Because it was not from you." There was silence for a minute, and then he said,

"Butterfly, let me ask you again. Will you go on a date with me?" he asked gently and softly.

I have finally come to the conclusion of what I and my heart want. I don't know what the future will be, but I want to try. So, I give him the answer of my heart.

"Yes, I will."