Chapter - 53

Alexander pov

I was sitting on the floor lifelessly. The sounds of a lot of footsteps echoed in the quiet corridor, and they stopped near us.

Alisha's family came here, but how did they know about this? Through their conversation, I understand that Jenny informed them. Adrian marched to me and grabbed my collar.

"What happened to my sister? Why is she in this state?" he growled.

"I-is that Alisha's blood?" Mrs. Hart said with a trembling voice.

She was about to fall, but Mr. Hart held her.

I only looked at him, not saying anything. I don't have any energy left in me to even talk. Owen and Aaron dragged Adrian away from me.

"Explain." Adrian spat angrily.

Owen volunteered to explain to them, and he took them to the corner. Jenny also joined him in the explanation.

They didn't tell them about me being in the mafia. They said my business enemy kidnapped her. After the explanation, they calmed down a little.