The Best Time Of My Life

The blinding light of judgement subsided after thirty minutes, the piercing sound coming from the destructive lasers eased up, quickly revealing the result of this mind boggling strike.

"As I thought" calmly assessed the ancestral dragon as she heard the melting dragon's laughter, it hadn't changed one bit and once his body became visible, it was clear that nothing she or primeval dragon could do would bring him down.

"Mother?" primeval dragon found it hard to believe that the laughing dragon had gotten unharmed out of all of this but he couldn't check for himself, after all, the youngling didn't have life force or anything else.

With a slight movement of one of her heads, she beckoned her son to leave, the primeval dragon would have liked to argue but silently obliged, flying away.

"Dragonling, a word" she said with one of her head, lowering her massive frame to meet his maddened gaze, his eyes seemed focused on something beyond her, as if he would see right through her.

Hearing the motherly voice of the ancestral dragon, the melting dragon did the unthinkable and ceased his laughing, his melting face turned to a neutral expression as his grin disappeared alongside his maw.

He looked at the ancestral dragon, waiting for her words.

She didn't know what to make of this sudden reaction but spoke to him nonetheless, she had had her suspicions when she saw him take the lightning breath head on without suffering any real injuries.

Seeing him up-close, she was no certain of it, Dramentia wasn't born from any dragon at all, she would know as the oldest dragon in existence, he didn't bare the heritage of any of her descendants, which shouldn't be possible for any dragons.

Unless he wasn't born at all and has simply appeared into existence by something of greater power.

It wasn't the doing of the world will for she could see that the world was actively trying to rip him apart, hence why he was appearing as if melting, the world will's efforts were worthless however, clearly demonstrating that it could only be done by something of greater force.

He existed for a reason, even if he himself seemed unaware of it.

Such things had already happened before and the menace wasn't given completely free reign, someone should be able to bypass his immortality.

As she spoke to Dramentia, seeing that he was weirdly calm, she extended one of her paws to him, which he took without hesitation.

"You aren't invincible youngling, you are simply unfazed by anything other than your designated nemesis" she revealed to him as he stayed silent, simply tilting his head from side to side as if he was a little baby listening to his mother but without understanding a single word of it.

Seeing him like this, she wondered if perhaps there was something to salvage, if this apparent insanity was but the way this horrifically powerful baby expressed his joy when 'playing'.

Much like when his mother first looked at him however, all of those thoughts were instantly displayed when she saw his face contorting back into his insane smile and his terrible laughter came back at once as his mass shifted into a flow of his gooey flesh, aiming to cover the ancestral dragon.

"Damned monster" the ancestral dragon, knowing that he was immune to all that she could do, didn't even try to remove him from her as she instead took flight straight up.

The hulking dragon shoved kilometers upon kilometers of clouds as she moved up, not slowing down in the slightest as the temperature lowered and lowered as frost appeared on both of the dragons.

Dramentia didn't even react as the ancestral dragon carried him right out of the sky and into outer space.

The dark expanse that surrounded the planet was filled with nothing but stars, no other planets, no other suns, no other moons, barely any floating debris, nothing but small stars.

The ancestral dragon, using her limited time left to live in this deadly environment, looked at the youngling, who now appeared as nothing but white goo, a goo that was moving around in the vacuum of space without showing any signs of unease or slowness.

Devouring her freezing body without a care in the world.

"What sort of monster is supposed to be a challenge for this thing?" she wondered in her last moments, even if the one simply had the ability of harming him without explanation, she doubted it would be enough.

Once Dramentia was done feeding on the humongous corpse, he reformed into his draconic form and defying the very laws of this world, flapped his wings, actually managing to push himself toward the planet.

Turning into a thin spike, he flew right back down like a meteor toward the lands of the dragons, his blazing entrance was seen from far away, for the primeval dragon, this could only signify that his mother had failed, for he knew that even she wouldn't be able to come back after flying into space.

He could only close his eyes and wait for death to come, slowly but surely, the mighty dragons were being cannibalised one after the other, after devouring the ancestral dragon, the melting dragon's strength and size had gone through the roof, allowing him to devour great dragons in mere moments.

"The end huh?" he said aloud, the end, death used to mean nothing to him but as his everlasting scales were broken down and crushed, he soon came to realise that this wasn't death.

It was much worse than that.

Standing in the desolate lands, Dramentia stared at his fronts paws, his thousands of fronts paws, while laughign at himself.

After feeding on all the flesh and blood available here, his draconic form had increased in size drastically, although he kept it much lower than the maximum possible, he hadn't resisted the urge to morph himself into this abominable form.

Too many limbs, too many wings, too many heads, too many tails, he liked it this way, he felt at peace in this form, feeling like this was how he was supposed to be.

Until the hunger came back, he still wasn't satiated.

Going on the move again, he could only mock himself for his utter lack of restraint, he had devoured everything without patience but how could he hold back in front of such tastiness?