I Am Not Falling Alongside This World

Without wasting a second, Dramentia moved like a wave forward, taking hold of the scroll and after a moment of wonder, ripped it in two, prompting a purplish ball of light to swallow him and his surroundings.

Foslauz covered her eyes as she was teleported alongside the melting dragon, but that much had been expected from the start, both of them looked around once the light settled.

A vaguely, stone-looking platform spanning over a wide surface, floating in an endless, cloudless and red sky.

"How empathetic, to provide such a sight to a prisoner" mused the mad dragon as he walked up the the edge of the floating island of stone, which had a few, broken down pillars, from which only the bases were left.

It was as if the piece of a ruin had been broken off and stolen away, only to be placed in this strange space.

"How beautiful and magnificent, for caterpillars to achieve such a feat, truly admirable for such tasteless meals to be able to create a miniature world to serve their wishes" he arched his back and neck to look back at the heroine.

Extending his neck in a grotesque manner until he reached her, rather than simply elongating his neck, he had his own head burst out of his open maw over and over again.

"It would seem that the time there isn't the same as outside, it is... Faster? Barely a second has passed yet on the other side, right~?" he chanted in her face before draggin the rest of his body over.

"You know everything there is to know about this place it seems, more than me at least" Foslauz looked up at the towering, living madness indifferently, she had come knowing she would die regardless of her success, there was nothing to look back on.

"Come on, don't say that you, I am certain she could find something to look fondly upon~"

"Who are you talking to?" The Pyrite Heroine had nothing better than question the abomination about his insanity.

"No one, there are only you, me and all of the others here, no one else" responded the dragon as he stared at an empty space.

"You wonder what I meant by that huh? Aren't you a curious butterfly? Bear witness, to what you will become" cackling derangedly, he grabbed her like a puppet and brought her to his forehead.

Lo and behold, a third eye appeared in the middle of his forehead, not one of the yellow eyes that could be seen appearing and disappearing all over his body at all times but a third purple eye, this one lacking the maddened look of all the other.

Staring into her eyes with this uncannily calm eye, he showed her what became of those that were devoured in an attempt to sate his hunger.

All of them had suffered the same fate, swallowed in full but only killed in body, their minds and souls had been kept perfectly intact, trapped inside of Dramentia and forced to agonise without stop.

As he showed Foslauz this, he formed crude bodies for them to inhabit, allowing them to momentarily express themselves as they reached at nothing and cried out for help.

The melting dragon's paw that was holding the heroine bursted to pieces.

"Fear me now? Everyone can grow a resistance to the natural fear of death, until it all comes crumbling once it does come for them of course, you don't have any resistance to this sort of death, do you?" reforming his lost paw like it was nothing.

"By the way, I left a small piece of myself way before we encountered each other, at any time, any second, I can completely transfer everything here, to this little drop of my lovely goo, I could leave you locked up here, I could get you a premium seat amongst in my stomach or perhaps, you could surprise, me, and them" he whispered softly in her mind and aloud.

"By slaying the mighty dragon in front of you, like a true hero, miss pyrite..."

"But we both know that it not possible, my lack of fear for death comes from the fact that I can not die by technicality, I am neither alive, dead, undead nor anything else, I simply am" he placed extra emphasis on that last word.

"You can cut or blow holes into space with your, very goooood wind magic, all you want, I can do the same too, flesh and blood- Dragons, don't just taste better, they give me power, exhilarating power!" he suddenly grew thousands of gigantic wings before flapping each once at the same time, pushing himself far into the red sky before slamming right back where the heroine had been standing, this time, slamming down with unprecedented strength, enough to shatter the platform completely.

"You don't have what it takes to fell me!" he mocked her as he zoomed around the red expanse while spewing all sorts of elemental breaths.

Taking hits after hits willingly as if to prove a point.

However, he soon stopped messing around, swiftly catching her with one of his back paws, twisting her arms and legs at odd angles.

"Aah, what does a butterfly tastes like? A sort even rarer than blood and flesh..." without wasting a second, he crushed her between his maw filled with teeth alongside his own paw.

Not commenting at all, he suddenly vanished as he transferred all of his body to that little drop he had left behind.

Utterly silent, he looked pensively at the blue sky after escaping the seal, shellshocked by the exquisite taste that had just filled every inch of his body.

"I won't ever taste anything on par with this in this world" he stated to an empty spot.

"I am not willing to waste my time with the search" as if ignoring whatever he had been talking to, he expanded his size to the maximum and from this, he wrapped his tongues all around the lone sphere in this dark space.

"There were just a bit of flesh and blood left" downcast, he paid no mind to the crumbling world around him, that had been encased in an empty galaxy, once it was gone, leaving only the cosmos for him to fly through.

'Mmmh, where is it?' he wondered as he ignored the mind wrenching thing floating in the cosmos.

He needed to find a place that had just appeared in his memory, a certain tower for his particular kind.