A Superhero’s Origin  

At home from the funeral, Devon reflected on seeing Tanya blessed with a Coco Power while he remained normal. Maybe the mosquito bites had failed to change him. Or perhaps his gift was delayed, yet to be awakened. He could only wait and see.

That night, Devon tossed and turned restlessly in bed, struggling to sleep. His mind was too busy thinking about powers, heroes and mosquitos.

After hours of fruitlessly trying to rest, Devon slipped out of bed and pulled on some old sweats and sneakers. "Rex, yuh want to go stretch yuh legs?" he whispered. The bored pitbull sprang up eagerly, tail wagging. Devon snuck quietly out the back door, closing it without a sound.

The full moon shone brightly overhead as Devon strolled through the peaceful neighbourhood, Rex was trotting happily alongside. Few cars passed by at this late hour.

Despite the ordeal of recent weeks, Devon was reminded of his city's beauty on nights like this. Lush trees and flowering bushes lined the streets. The air was fragrant with frangipani and pimento. In the distance, the tall office buildings of downtown were adorned with colourful murals and rooftop gardens. People said Jamaica had experienced a cultural renaissance in recent years. Reggae rhythms and Coco mythology had influenced architecture, art and fashion across the island.

As Devon wandered immersed in his thoughts, Rex suddenly froze, ears pricked. A rabbit had darted from some bushes across the road.

Bark! Bark!

"Rex, no!" Devon yelled, but the dog was already sprinting after the critter into a wooded area. Cursing under his breath, Devon took off in pursuit.

He followed the sounds of excitable barks through the trees until he arrived at a small clearing. There he spotted Rex, but the pit bull was no longer focused on the rabbit which had vanished into the night. Now the dog was growling at something else entirely.

Three men stood in the shadows holding a struggling teenage girl in their grasp. Devon's blood turned to ice in his veins.

"Hey bwoy, this don't concern yuh. Walk away now," one man warned in a gruff tone.

"Please!" The girl wept and begged for help.

Rage kindled inside Devon. He refused to abandon someone in need. "Nah man, tek unuh dutty hands off di gyal now. Before mi mek unuh regret it."

The men looked at each other and laughed coldly. "Wrong move, fool-fool bwoy. Any last words before mi gut yuh like fish?" The talkative one flashed a cruel grin. With a flick of his wrist, he produced a glowing machete from nowhere. His friends' hands also lit up with conjured blades.

Devon's courage wavered at the sight of their Coco Weapons, but he stood his ground. "Yuh aguh regret this," he bluffed while clenching his fist, hoping to buy time until he thought of a plan. Inside, he prayed for a miracle.

Bark! Bark!

Rex snarled fiercely at the three thugs, but they ignored the dog. "Nice try kid, yuh no match fi we," said the one who'd first addressed Devon. He became peeved at Rex barking and blurted, "Stop yuh barking dutty dog!" He casually gestured, sending his luminous machete spinning toward the agitated pitbull.

Devon's heart seized in terror. "No!" He sprinted desperately to intercept the deadly projectile before it struck his beloved pet. But the distance was too far, he realized with dread. Rex was surely about to die before his eyes. But then…

A tingling sensation spread through Devon's dreadlocks as he ran. Suddenly, a thin strand of electricity lashed out from one of his locks like a whip, slicing the spinning machete cleanly in half mere inches from the dog's face.


Everyone froze, stunned. Rex yipped excitedly, unharmed by the dissipating electricity. The thugs stared in dismay at Devon, who was equally bewildered.

"How di...how yuh do dat?" gasped the one who'd thrown the Coco blade. Beside him, his friends shifted nervously.

"Yow, this youth is a hero?" Their fearful grip on the female captive began to loosen without them being aware.

"Huh!" Devon stood speechless with his right hand extended as if controlling the electric whip-like discharge that had emerged from his hair. But it had happened spontaneously in the heat of emotion. He had no idea how to consciously summon that power again.

"This ain't over, bwoy!" the lead thug spat. All three then instantly vanished into wisps of shadow, abandoning their would-be victim. The girl had scrambled away unscathed during the confrontation.

Devon was alone in the clearing with Rex, stunned and trying to grasp what had just transpired. He...had a Coco Power. The proof was tingling in his dreadlocks. After days of frustration believing himself ordinary, the truth had been revealed - he was one of the gifted few!

"Yeah!" He let out an incredulous laugh. This was the beginning of a new chapter in his life. Destiny had called in that clearing tonight. Still inexperienced, yes, but the seed of heroism had sprouted within Devon. He could honour his fallen friends and make a difference in this world. The time had come to embrace his purpose.

Jamaica needed protectors. Devon vowed to develop his mysterious electro-dreadlock abilities into the awesome powers of a true superhero.

He was the Jamaican Blur.