The School Trip  

"Ya hear Seacrest organizing a school trip to Kingston?"

The chatter around Devon was buzzing with excitement about the upcoming excursion. As he bit into a juicy piece of jerk chicken, he eavesdropped on the conversation at the next table.

"Yeah man, it is going to be sick!" Tamir said. "We touring di Jamaica Hero Association headquarters and training centre. Get to see where di biggest heroes on di island prepare and everything."

His friend Nari snorted sceptically. "And yuh actually think dem aguh let a bunch of school kids run around dem top secret supernatural facility? We probably just touring some lil museum section, not where di real action happen."

"I heard it's more than just a tour," interjected Aisha shyly. All eyes turned to the timid girl.

"Mi cousin train deh as an intern," she went on. "She say JHA taking interest in our school after... after di tragedy. They want to identify which of us students develop powers from di Coco Mosquito attack."

Murmurs rippled around the table. Devon slowed his chewing, intrigued himself now.

"Y-you mean everybody on di trip aguh get tested if dem have powers?" Tamir asked.

Aisha nodded while twisting her hair nervously. "And if yuh show talents, yuh get registered in their system and offered mentorship. It's a big opportunity."

Devon shared an intrigued look with Tanya across the table. This trip suddenly presented chances to not only see where Jamaica's heroes like Sunspot and JuJu trained, but also to access the resources of the JHA directly.

Maybe they could even find elusive answers about the true nature and extent of their own blossoming gifts. When the bell rang, signalling the period's end, Devon dumped his trash and hurried off to history class. But his thoughts were spinning with possibilities.

Rounding a corner, he abruptly collided with another student rushing the opposite way, sending their books tumbling.

"Oh gosh, my apologies!" Devon blurted, immediately bending to gather the dropped texts. Looking up, he realized it was Mei Wen he'd carelessly bumped into.

"We have got to stop meeting like this," Devon joked as he handed Mei her books. She giggled, tucking back a silky strand of hair behind one delicate ear.

"At least this time no one falls down, yes?" she points out in her melodic accent. They shared a smile before Mei gave him a closer look.

"You seem...distracted? Everything okay Devon?" She spoke his name with a warmth that tingled through him.

Remembering himself, Devon quickly said, "Yeah, yeah... just excited about this big trip we taking soon."

Mei's eyes lit up. "Oh yes, the class excursion to Kingston! I can hardly wait. Have you ever been to the capital before?"

Devon shook his head, explaining he'd only visited Kingston a couple times when younger. Mei confessed she knew little about the city or the hero organization they were touring.

"Well don't worry, you can just stick by me and I'll show you around," Devon offered gallantly. "Maybe we even sit together on di bus ride."

"That sounds very nice." Mei smiled, but then tilted her head. "Doesn't your friend Tanya wish to sit with you?"

The question gave Devon pause. He pictured Tanya's likely playful objection to him fraternizing with Mei. She seemed to regard other girls warily whenever Devon showed interest.

"Nah... I mean, Tanya don't care bout stuff like dat," Devon said, then added, "We close, but just as friends."

Mei simply replied "I see" though her eyes glinted knowingly. Before more could be said, the next period bell rang and they had to rush off to class. But anticipation for the trip now loomed excitingly.

Later at home, Devon packed a small suitcase as his mother bustled around, fretting and checking if he had enough clean clothes and toiletries.

"Yuh have both toothbrush and paste? Extra deodorant? Yuh comb and pick for yuh locks?" Norissa pressed, ensuring Devon was prepared for his first out-of-town trip without parental supervision.

"Yes Mama, I have everything," Devon sighed, though inwardly he was touched by her doting concern.

With tail wagging hopefully, Rex watched the packing from Devon's bed. When Devon gently closed his suitcase, the pitbull whined in dismay.

"Sorry bud, yuh cyaan come wit' mi," Devon said, scratching Rex's chin consolingly. "I won't be gone long though." Rex huffed grumpily and curled up with his head on paws. Chuckling, Devon finished getting ready for the big day ahead.