The Fated or Ill-Fated Breath?  

Devon's heart pounded as the line of students kept shortening, each one called to enter the specialized labs for Coco Power testing. In just minutes it would be his and Tanya's turn in the hot seat.

Alone with his thoughts, Devon shuffled forward as three more classmates underwent assessments ahead of him. He observed their reactions upon exiting afterwards - some looked awed checking themselves over, others dejected with heads hanging. A few gave nonchalant shrugs.

Devon's heart began pounding faster and palms sweating. He wasn't sure why panic was overtaking him. He knew he had powers, so why fear the testing? Doesn't he aspire to be a hero?

However, his breathing quickened as anxiety flooded his system. Devon felt electrical sparks dance down his dreadlocks while stress started overloading his sanity. He had to get out of this line immediately!

Tanya turned around from the spot ahead of him. "Yo Devon, yuh vibes feel mad off. Yuh a'right back there?" She had sensed the frantic electromagnetic energy crackling from his hair.

Devon took a deep, shuddering breath to calm himself before he caused a scene. "Yeah...yeah mi good," he lied unconvincingly. "Just mad nerves got me acting jittery."

Tanya also felt similar. "No doubt, mi belly flutterin' too. But nuttin' we can't handle, ya done know." She gave his arm a reassuring squeeze. "This just another lil' test to pass." She kept her tone casual; Devon glimpsed uneasy excitement in her eyes as well. This was uncharted territory for them both.

"Chill bredren, it's just a next step inna di hero journey," an older girl ahead reassured Devon over her shoulder. Other students nearby agreed while sharing anxious smiles. Everyone was eager to discover their hidden potential... or feel disappointment if found lacking.

Devon appreciated their efforts to calm him, but his heart continued hammering against his ribs. Cold sweat beaded his brow as the technician called the next student into the lab, leaving just Tanya ahead of him now.

This was insane. He had to flee before exposing himself! But the JHA staff flanking the door kept a close watch for rule-breakers. Swallowing dryly, Devon shuffled another step forward in line. What was causing this irrational terror?

Just got's all good... Devon desperately muttered internal mantras, struggling to rein in the illogical panic threatening to burst free. But his lungs kept gasping faster.

Through sheer instinct, Devon inhaled more deeply than ever to slow his pounding heart. The mighty breath drew every wisp of air from the room into his desperate lungs. In that prolonged moment, something unfathomable occurred...

The world around Devon slowed to a halt mid-motion. Students around him were frozen like mannequins, jaws still moving sluggishly to shape words now mute.

Alarm and confusion filled Devon's mind. Had some villain used a stasis power? No, Devon alone seemed able to move freely. But how? Utterly perplexed, he exhaled explosively. The world instantly resumed normal speed, conversations and motion continuing seamlessly around him.

For several heartbeats, Devon stood stunned. Then understanding dawned - somehow, he was responsible for the inexplicable chrono-stasis just now! But how?

Curiosity overwhelmed anxiety now. With intense focus, Devon inhaled with all his lung capacity again. Once more the scene shifted into a glacial freeze frame, all life suspended outside himself. Devon almost laughed aloud at the bizarre power.

Testing a theory, he held that prodigious breath and stepped cleanly from the assessment line. In this static reality, Devon strolled freely about the room observing everything and everyone locked in time's grip, impervious to his movements. It was like being in an invisible parallel dimension only he could access!

Reaching a window, Devon peered out and saw the city streets equally still - hover cars and levtrams paused mid-transit, joggers balanced improbably on one halted foot. This ability was unreal!

Unable to contain the mighty breath longer, Devon allowed himself to exhale steadily this time. The world reanimated in graduated slow motion before resuming normal speed just as he stepped back into the assessment line undiscovered.

Euphoric revelation now supplanted all fear in Devon's mind. Somehow, holding his breath amplified his speed to an untouchable level. He had unlocked a power named Hyper Rush in his desperation.