The Blur's Mentor  

In the morning, Devon blinked groggily, staring up at the familiar ceiling of his bedroom, Rex was beside him. He bolted upright in confusion. How was he here at home? The last hazy memories were of collapsing onto Lover's Beach after narrowly escaping the sea voyage with Gunz.

Had someone found and brought him home? What about Gunz? Devon leapt from his bed and rushed downstairs, nearly bowling over his mother in the hallway.

"Whoa! Where yuh racing off to?" Norissa exclaimed, deftly catching the overflowing laundry basket that was jostled.

"Mama, how I get home last night?" Devon asked urgently.

Norissa gave her son an odd look. "What yuh mean? Coach Adams bring yuh back round 6 after track practice as usual."

Devon shook his head in confusion. "That can't be... I was nowhere near school yesterday."

Now Norissa grew concerned, touching a palm to Devon's forehead. "Well yuh seem bit confused still. Maybe you should skip church today, rest up instead?"

Pulling away from her caressing hand, Devon said, "No Mama, I'm fine really, just need some air is all." He managed a weak smile. "Save me some breakfast for later, okay?"

Before she could object, Devon bolted outside and sprinted down the road. His thoughts swirled in turmoil. Somehow he'd been transported home and tucked into bed without waking. And Norissa claimed it was the work of Coach Adams.

But Devon knew he had not been at any track session yesterday. Which meant someone aside from Adams had covertly retrieved him from Lover's Beach. How though? And why conceal their involvement?

Reaching the secluded cove, Devon scoured the pristine sands for any clue indicating Gunz had been there too. But the high tide had wiped away all signs of their dramatic arrival. The captive criminal himself was nowhere in sight either.

Devon grunted in frustration, grabbing handfuls of his dreadlocks. Where was Gunz now? Had he somehow awakened first and fled into hiding already?

So many questions clouded Devon's mind. He needed answers before paranoia took root. Sitting atop a flat rock facing the sea, Devon closed his eyes and tried settling his breathing. Worrying helped nothing.

The gentle crash of waves helped calm his thoughts. After several meditative minutes, Devon felt a subtle shift in the energies around him. Then a familiar voice spoke.

"Your heart dwells in righteous waters now, Devon."

Turning with a start, he saw Ras Nine had manifested soundlessly on a nearby stone. The rasta offered a cryptic smile.

"Is it you who bring me home last night?" Devon realized aloud.

Ras nodded sagely. "I glimpse yuh valiantly emerging from di sea. But yuh journey was not yet done, so I shepherd yuh to safety."

Devon's next urgent question was on his tongue. Ras Nine raised a hand knowingly. "Di escaped convict rests in proper authority now. His fate is for them to decide."

Sagging in relief, Devon said "Give thanks yuh intervene, wise Ras. I endanger myself acting foolish out there."

Ras Nine placed both palms firmly on Devon's shoulders. "No, young warrior. Yuh follow yuh spirit and conscience. This bring higher reward than any worldly achievement."

Pride swelled in Devon's heart at the venerable rasta's praise. Ras Nine went on. "Yuh gifts blossom swifter than any flower I witness. But true power comes from here." He thumped a fist over Devon's heart.

"If yuh willing, this old lion still have many lessons of di soul to share. What yuh say, Devon?" Ras Nine asked with a broad grin.

Elated understanding lit up Devon's face. "I would be honoured to train under yuh guidance, Master!"

Ras threw back his mane of dreadlocks and laughed heartily. "Iyah! No need for titles though. To yuh, I am just Ras." He sprang easily from his perch. "Now come, much wisdom awaits."

Devon eagerly followed the spry Rastafarian from the beach and up a little used jungle path. Ras led him deep into rainforested mountains looming inland of Lover's Beach. This was unfamiliar rugged terrain to Devon. He strained to memorize their route in case he ever needed to find this way alone.

After an hour of trekking uphill beneath the steamy canopy, they arrived at a tranquil plateau. Nestled against a rocky escarpment was a ramshackle hut woven from bamboo and fronds.

Devon instantly loved the scenic location. Mist-shrouded peaks could be glimpsed towering behind the rustic dwelling. Birds swooped and called around them. A narrow waterfall poured endlessly into a clear pool nearby.

"This yard I name Serenity," Ras explained, leading Devon inside. The cosy hut was open and breezy with a kitchen, table carved of driftwood, and simple sleeping cot. Vines crawling through wide gaps offered natural sun screening.

"Make yuhself at home now." Ras began preparing refreshments while Devon admired his new surroundings. This off-grid sanctuary brimmed with harmony and purpose.

Accepting a carved gourd filled with cold mountain water and lemon slices, Devon eagerly peppered his new mentor with questions. Ras chuckled at the hungry barrage.

"Patience, young cub. Yuh will know all in due time." Settling into a crossed leg pose, Ras reflected before beginning his tale.

"I was born right here in Portland to a humble farming family. Was happy youth playing in these hills and swimming by Lover's Beach..." Ras Nine stared wistfully into memories only he could see.

"I man had powers long before the terrible quake and swarms of Coco Mosquitos spread misery. Many perish, more sicken and change. I too get bitten." Ras gestured, animating his rope-like locks. "From that pain, another gift emerge here." Arcs of electricity crackled between his fingers. "I learn to channel this living current within my soul."

Devon sat enraptured hearing now-familiar echoes of his own past.

Ras continued solemnly. "At first, I wandered reckless with my talents. Thought them benefits to exploit selfishly, or wield vengefully." He shook his head sadly. "I wrong others and myself this way. Took long years of meditation to grasp the deeper purpose behind such power. That they are not to use lightly, but in service of life."

Ras met Devon's gaze intently. "If only to inspire one child or sow one seed of hope, already my life have meaning. This path I now follow."

Moved by the humble wisdom, Devon asked, "And yuh live alone up here using yuh powers for good?"

Ras smiled. "Not always alone. Some come to old Ras seeking insight or healing. I provide what I can, and send them home more whole."

He gestured around the simple hut. "Yuh notice no tv or none of them fancy gadgets here? I tune my senses to flows of nature instead. Serenity born from disconnecting outer noise to reconnect with inner truths."

Devon thoughtfully took it all in. This off-grid rasta exemplified the righteous path for wielding abilities that he too aspired towards.

They passed the hours with Ras telling stories of his many years mastering powers and living in harmony with the land. He had helped countless struggling individuals tap into their own hidden potential on this isolated plateau.

Watching the sun dip towards the distant sea, Ras said "That's enough for the day. We resume your training when the light returns."

Devon said goodbye to Ras Nine and returned home. His mother was worried sick about his absence. He explained that he was out with friends, ate his fill and went to bed.