The Miraculous Fibres  

After an hour, Agent Fibre raised his hands for attention again. "Alright, settling on the perfect heroic name is major, but it's just the start! Next we'll begin individual mentoring sessions and analyse your specific powers."

This announcement was met with intrigued murmurs. Fibre went on, "Then it will be time for the best part - working together to design your customized hero costumes!"

The students buzzed excitedly hearing this. Fibre smiled knowingly. "That got your attention, eh? Don't worry, you're in good hands. My Fibre Forges workshop is stocked to the brim to outfit the next generation of heroes!"

He curled a hand dramatically as his cape dissolved back into glittery threads that faded away. "Let's begin envisioning how you'll leave your enemies shaking in their boots soon enough! Being a compelling hero means looking the part."

While mentors escorted individuals and small groups to side rooms for ability assessments and consultation, other activity stations were opened for students. A table offered Coco Power personality quizzes and recommended hero archetypes. Game consoles had fighting videogames to play with customized avatar creations. Prep team members handed out tablets preloaded with costume design apps and 3D visualization tools. The vibe was like a hero-themed carnival.

Devon watched everything with fascination, soaking up the creative energy in the air. If only he could join in officially without revealing his powers yet. Rather than dwell on it, Devon decided to seek out Tanya. There was still valuable knowledge to gain from observing her experience firsthand.

He found his friend seated at a table, furiously sketching costume ideas on a notepad. She broke into a grin seeing Devon approach.

"Devon! Check out some a' di sick costume concepts I drew up," Tanya said eagerly, pushing the pages towards Devon. "Which one yuh think scream 'hero' most?"

Devon smiled, flipping through the rough but vivid designs filled with fox motifs, cybernetic accessories, tails, claws and other features with detailed notes on utility. "These are all badass, ya creative gyal. Mi would feel sorry for any badman facing Cocoa Fox decked out so."

Tanya preened under the compliment. "Ya think so? Well this just di warming up. When I meet the real costume creator, that's where it gets serious!"

"You and me both longing to see this Fibre cat's skills now," Devon agreed. "Must be epic to step into yuh own hero fantasy come to life."

"True indeed!" Tanya sighed wishfully. Glancing around at the creative chaos in the hall, she said "Sure yuh okay being here while the rest of we get glory, Devon?"

Devon bumped her shoulder. "No worries, yuh know mi solid. Plenty time for fame later. Enjoy yuh chance to shine."

Their conversation was interrupted by an older female mentor calling Tanya's name. It was time for her personalized ability consultation and costume concepts.

"Yes, here I come!" Tanya sprang up eagerly with her sketches. "Talk later, Devon!" She rushed off, nearly stumbling over herself in excitement. Devon just chuckled watching her scamper away so eagerly.

Rather than loiter alone, Devon exited into the outer hallways. Other students were still busy with normal lessons there. He nodded casually to the familiar faces while internally gauging who else might soon awaken powers. The mosquito madness had affected so many, more talents were sure to emerge in time.

Turning the corner, Devon collided face-first with another student. "Oops, pardon!" He blurted out.

The other boy recoiled dramatically as if burned. "Ugh, watch where yuh spacing out, fool!" he snapped, smoothing back his dyed cobalt hair anxiously.

Devon recognized the confrontational teen - Cain, the surly powered delinquent he'd glimpsed detained during the school trip to JHA headquarters. The lanky rebel fixed Devon with an icy glare before shoving past him brusquely.

Rubbing his shoulder, Devon frowned after the tense encounter. He would have to be wary around that Cain. The pompous boy clearly looked down on anyone he deemed weak or without powers. Devon just hoped the troublesome punk stayed in line. He clearly had an axe to grind over his Coco gifts being regulated heavily. There was menace simmering in Cain that Devon could sense viscerally.

Shaking off the sour vibe of the run-in, Devon refocused and headed outside to wander the campus grounds until Tanya finished up. The fresh air and island ambience helped clear his mind from any worries.

By the time Devon looped back around towards the Power Training Centre, other students were starting to trickle out, chatting excitedly about the costumes they envisioned or when mentoring would commence. Inside the main hall, the creativity was reaching a fever pitch.

Weaving through the crowds, Devon's eye was drawn to the raised platform where Agent Fibre stood conversing with students awaiting their turns. Even from a distance, the dazzling fabrics he manifested from thin air left onlookers entranced. Devon edged closer, eager to see the master designer in action crafting hero couture.

"There, strut it out and behold my handiwork!" Fibre exclaimed. He waved a hand and glittering threads expanded rapidly to envelop a waiting girl's body. In moments, a form-fitting amber and black bodysuit had formed over her frame with delicate gossamer wings affixed to the back.

"Oh my gosh, it's everything I dreamed!" the student cried, admiring the intricate details and built-in mircofoils that allowed gliding on air currents when she spread her wing appendages.

"I live to serve, my dear," Fibre smiled, blowing her a playful kiss. "Now send any rogues fleeing with your radiance!" More students gathered excitedly nearby to await their turn with the designer.

Lost in wide-eyed observation, Devon felt a tap on his shoulder and turned to see Tanya grinning brightly. "Ya missed it, Blur! Mi costume turned out sick," she exclaimed, doing a twirl to show off the full effect.

Devon's eyes widened taking in the spectacular sight. Tanya was now clad in a form-fitting russet and cream bodysuit with detachable faux fur vest, thigh pouches and fox ear headband accented in amber. Tiny weights in her sleeves and legs could be detached and wielded as throwing projectiles. Even a utility belt and domino mask completed the assembly.

"Hot damn, Cocoa!" Devon gasped in awe, checking out the details. "This a real deadly heroic look. Yuh ready fi clean up the streets in style."

Tanya laughed, bathing in the admiration. "Nah lie, I feel powerful the second Fibre weave this masterpiece 'round mi. Him tun mi imagination into reality!" She couldn't stop admiring herself, swishing her faux tails excitedly.

"No doubt, gyal. Yuh embracing yuh inner fox. Badman dem best beware!" Devon added, making Tanya preen even more. He lived vicariously through seeing her costume come to life so vividly.