Exciting School Celebration

The energy was electric around Seacrest High following the track team's strong showing at the Inter-Regional Championships. Despite some disappointing individual outcomes, the athletes had rallied together and earned medals in key events. School spirit soared seeing the trophies and medals on display.

"Big up the lightening squad!" hollered a boy, pumping his fist as Devon passed by in the busy hallway.

"Seacrest steppas trample di competition!" cheered Aisha, she and her friends singing an impromptu celebratory song.

Devon accepted all the praise with reserved grace. He knew much credit belonged to teammates like Sonita and Thomas who had pushed themselves to the limit in Kingston. Track victories were rarely ever about just one runner.

Nearing his locker, Devon spotted his good friend Tanya waiting there eagerly. "Yo D, I've been looking all over for you! Coach Adams having a special lunch pep rally outside by the field to spotlight di champs."

Devon replied while switching textbooks for his next class, "Yeah, I just heard. Should be nice vibes to big up our athletes."

"Right?" Tanya agreed enthusiastically. "Plus I hear the new girl Deandra is doing a drum solo. You know she's wicked on di djembe."

Laughing, Devon shut his locker and they started walking together towards the gathering. It was refreshing to see Tanya's spirits lifted again after her discouraging run-in with the shapeshifting limits. She seemed back to her bubbly self.

Out on the track, long tables were set up and music already played vibrantly from speakers near a simple outdoor stage. Streamers in the school colours of orange and green fluttered overhead between palm trees. The air smelled amazing with barbecue being grilled nearby.

Principal Harrison stood onstage gripping a microphone. "Yes yes, show some love for our talented youths!" he hollered to cheers as the track stars took seats of honour at the main tables. Even Thomas managed a bashful smile amidst the adulation, his gloomy mood was temporarily overshadowed by school spirit.

Everyone lined up eagerly to fill plates with jerk chicken, rice and peas, festivals, steamed cabbage, escovitch fish and other mouthwatering dishes courtesy of the Home EC class and volunteers. After getting their food, Devon found space with Tanya at a table near the front. Soon other familiar faces sat down around them.

"That was some intense racing in Kingston," chuckled Tyriq, a muscular boy who played basketball. "Y'all didn't hold nothing back. I nearly bust a gut screaming from di bleachers."

"Right? D and the crew were pure fire," agreed Keisha dreamily. She and a few other girls kept sneaking flirtatious glances towards Thomas nearby. Devon knew his teammate's fame would likely attract new admirers after placing silver. He just hoped Thomas maintained humility.

Tanya rolled her eyes. "Please, you girls barely notice Thomas till now. Devon is the real MVP holding it down with heart and soul." She elbowed Devon playfully. "Ain't that right?"

"Nah, was a team effort," Devon chuckled self-consciously through a mouthful of rice and peas. He didn't care for the individual attention. But his peers' enthusiasm felt warming.

Before more praise could come, drums began pounding loudly from stage as Deandra appeared, dreadlocked and smiling. The crowds cheered seeing the new track star take her position behind the hand-carved djembe. Energy built as Deandra started laying down rhythmic beats, her hands dancing expertly across the drumhead.

Students began singing impromptu lyrics praising the school, track stars and more over the rising music. Devon laughed hearing someone include lines about him being fast as lightning. Deandra's mad skills soon had the whole gathering on their feet dancing joyously.

From the corner of his eye, Devon noticed Mei Wen swaying along to the drums at another table with Gabriela. Their eyes met briefly and Mei gave a friendly wave that Devon returned before the surging crowds shifted apart. He wondered if she had come to watch Regionals as well. Either way, her presence always seemed to energize him.

By the time Deandra finished her piece, everyone was cheering loudly, even teachers swept up in the atmosphere. Principal Harrison retook the mic looking thrilled. "Blessed thanks for that rousing display! Seacrest spirit cannot be contained." More agreements rose up. "Enjoy the rest of lunch then back to class so we keep striving higher."

Gradually students began migrating off in small groups, still giddy from the spirited assembly. Devon dropped his disposables in the bin then turned to Tanya. "That hit di spot. Ready for biology?"

"Ugh, don't remind me," Tanya groaned. "But yeah, let's get this over with." Together they headed back towards the main building just as chatter arose nearby.

"Yo, any of you going to Cain's big mansion party tonight?" an underclassman named Tariq asked his friends eagerly. "Him say the vibe gonna be epic to celebrate that record gold medal."

"You know it!" his friend Khalil cheered. "Once Cain parents leave town, him always throws the illest secret fêtes in that lavish crib. I'm definitely rolling through."

Others nearby were buzzing about the elite shindig. "You think Cain will have more expensive champagne again?" one girl wondered aloud. "I heard even celebrity youths stop by his crazy house parties."

"Of course he gon' ball out," chuckled another boy. "Champion money spend different. Plus Cain low-key be trying to buy friends with him flash."

As the chatter faded with distance, Devon glanced at Tanya curiously. "You hear anything about this business at Cain place tonight?"

Tanya shook her head, looking unimpressed. "It news to me. But that waste youth love flaunting him status, so no surprise." She shrugged. "Why, you thinking of checking it out?"

Devon considered briefly, but shook his head. "Nah...I try avoid that bad vibes boy when possible. Let him celebrate alone inna him big empty mansion."

They continued on to biology class. But all day, talk of Cain's upcoming party swirled around campus. Despite many outwardly scorning his arrogance, students still buzzed eagerly about attending the highly exclusive bash. Some even dared each other to meet Cain's rumoured dangerous pet anaconda he kept onsite in a glass enclosure. Clearly the rebellious youth remained influential with peers.

Devon did his best to ignore the hype, but even some teammates pressed him about joining. "Yo D, it won't be di same madness without yuh," insisted Andre, a rookie sprinter. "The gal dem will be looking to mingle with di track stars."

"I'm good man," Devon deflected politely. "Not really my sort of scene." In truth, he disliked Cain's shady reputation. Tanya seemed to share his avoidance of the arrogant sprinter. Devon hoped the gossip would all fade soon enough.