The Epic Heroin Duel   

Devon blinked at the morning sun peeking over the horizon while feeling the full extent of his body's exertion through the long night. After taking a moment to gather himself mentally and physically, he checked his phone.

Sure enough, multiple missed calls and messages from his mother awaited. He knew Norissa must be livid and fraught with worry by now after his unexplained absence all night. Sneaking back home would require strategic care and a watertight alibi.

Glancing over, Devon saw Cobalt still dozing soundly thanks to sheer exhaustion. His unlikely ally undeniably proved himself last night, braving deadly threats to save his life after the disastrous conflict with the Toxic gang. A stark contrast to their initial antagonistic dynamic.

Devon felt hesitant to wake Cobalt, but the sun's positioning indicated school would be starting soon. He gently shook the sleeping teen's shoulder.

"Rise and shine," Devon greeted as Cobalt stirred reluctantly awake. He gave a recap of last night's triumphs and tribulations against the odds.

With a weary groan, Cobalt sat up. "Still feels like my skull's buzzing with those freaky electric shocks you zapped me with during the meltdown." He laughed, showing there were no hard feelings.

The pair checked each other's injuries. Apart from lingering aches and fatigue, they had escaped relatively unscathed from the death-defying skirmishes. The Blur felt grateful for their perseverance and teamwork somehow overcoming the lethal forces arrayed against them. However, the villains would only regroup stronger now.

For Devon, further discussion about last night could wait because the sunrise hastened him. "I should jet and come up with an excuse for disappearing all night. My mom must be worried sick right about now."

Cobalt waved him off, clearly needing more rest. "Go handle your business. I'll lay low and try getting more intel on those shady pharmaceutical schemes. Holla if any madness pops off again." They fist-bumped before Devon took off, accelerating through early commuter traffic.

Using side routes and goat paths, Devon circumvented populated areas on the speedy journey home. He halted outside his bedroom window, pausing to listen intently for any activity within the small house. All appeared calm. Norissa was likely asleep still, granting him the perfect chance at stealthy re-entry.

Climbing up the mango tree closest to his window, Devon crept out along the thick branch extending towards his bedroom. Gently prying the window open, he slipped inside soundlessly then changed into pyjamas rapidly. The bed sheets still held traces of warmth from his hasty morning exit yesterday.


Just as Devon slipped under the covers, a sudden loud knocking made him jump! His door flew open and Norissa barged in before he could react, worry plastered across her face. She scrutinized the room looking for anything amiss or unusual.

"Good morning, Mom!" Devon yawned, feigning having just woken up. "Sorry, I must have overslept and not heard yuh knocking." He sat up slowly, stretching as if stiff from a full night's rest.

Norissa studied her son closely, looking very suspicious. "Devon, yuh sure yuh was here in this house the whole night? And not gallivanting God knows where?" she questioned pointedly.

Maintaining his relaxed facade despite the spike of anxiety, Devon replied, "Come on, yuh really think I'd sneak out all night? I told yuh mi come straight home after early track practice yesterday." He hoped his even voice sounded convincing.

Norissa didn't look fully satisfied by the explanation but had no solid evidence to refute it yet. She pursed her lips before sighing reluctantly. "Alright, just hurry and get ready. Mi already late going to the grocery market." She left Devon to change, shutting his door with a concerned backwards glance.

Sinking back onto the bed as his door closed, Devon sighed deeply in relief at the near miss. Lying to his caring mother twisted his gut, but he saw no better option currently to maintain his secret heroic agenda and protect Norissa from those dangerous truths. The stakes were still far too perilous to confide in loved ones.

After scarfing down a hasty breakfast while reassuring his mother again that everything was fine, Devon grabbed his packed bag along with the stolen amulet and headed out. Skipping school to rest his battered body would be too suspicious after using track as his cover story last night. Time to brace for the mundane school day while his mind stayed sharply vigilant for any vengeful activity by the Toxic Trio.


Walking through Seacrest High's crowded halls between classes, Devon maintained focus despite fatigue threatening to crush him at any moment. He checked his phone, seeing a message from Tanya sent earlier this morning:

"Yo D! Come thru PTC after 1st period. Got something epic to show off during training today – T."

Devon cracked a smile, grateful for the normality of his friend's enthusiasm. After the harrowing brushes with death last night, typical teenage concerns felt comforting. He typed a quick reply:

"No problem T, be there to cheer yuh on."

The morning periods crawled by at an agonizing pace. Devon had to splash cold water on his face multiple times to avoid dozing off during lessons. He barely acknowledged the usual hallway banter and gossip floating around him. Right now, laying low and avoiding suspicion took priority.

Once the lunch bell finally rang, Devon made a beeline for the Power Training Centre. He found Tanya engaged in an intense sparring match with Mei Wen aka Jade Noodle. A riveted crowd of students spectated the spectacular duel between the two heroines-in-training wielding enhanced Coco abilities.

Tanya had adopted her Cocoa Fox alter ego, shapeshifted into a human-fox battle form granting animalistic power and agility. Pitted against her was Mei Wen's noodle manipulation gifts, now on full display.


"Take this, Jade! Fox Fire Blast!" Cocoa Fox shouted while hurling spiralling flames conjured from her furs towards her opponent. Spectators gasped and cheered as the training arena flashed with scorching heat.

Mei reacted instantly, raising sturdy shields of interwoven ramen noodles reinforced by psychic energy. "Impressive pyrokinesis. I didn't know you could do that with your furs, but my Noodle Dome can withstand anything!" The supernatural barriers blocked the fox fire's full force, protecting Jade Noodle inside.

With blinding speed, Tanya struck again from an unexpected angle, unleashing slashing shockwaves of energy with her tails. "Let's see if yuh noodles hold up to mi Tsunami Tail Strike!"

Cocoa Fox's triple tails tore cracks through the shielding Noodle Dome which Mei frantically repaired by drawing more nearby noodle strands into her sphere of protection. Inside, Mei focused her power, condensing ambient moisture into colourful dumplings she could unleash as explosive projectiles.

"Try my Dumpling Bombs then!" Mei sent a barrage of sticky pellets rocketing towards Tanya. Each one detonated against her in blinding bursts, singeing fur and knocking the fox warrior backwards with yelps of shock.

Enraged, Tanya retaliated by scattering a bunch of her furs to summon a pillar of flames beneath Mei's feet and launching herself overhead to deliver a meteoric axe kick that shattered the Noodle Dome instantly. The forceful blow sent Mei rocketing across the arena into a wall with painful impact.


"You asked for this, stay down already!" Tanya boasted, ready to finish her dazed rival off. 

"Hmm?" While observing, Devon saw that Mei was far from beaten. Her hands glowed as she manipulated an unseen force to yank Tanya violently overhead and slam her down brutally.

"You forgot my secret weapon - Psy-Ramen Strands!" Mei smirked proudly, showcasing strands of psychic noodles wrapped tightly around Tanya now. With a few gestures, Mei sent her tangled-up opponent bouncing across the floor, ceiling and walls rapidly.

Boom! Boom! Boom!