Cocoa Fox And The Blur’s Teamwork  

Boom! Boom!

"Roast to death you freaks!"

Cocoa Fox was in the middle of pursuing another yelping degenerate when the hulking brute with distended jaws known as Ripper unexpectedly withdrew a large vial of Loki-7 - vicious neon dust imbued with mutating fury!

"You die... foxy bitch!" Ripper garbled hatefully before snorting thick lines of the malevolent substance up his flared nostrils. Instantly his muscles bulged larger, neon veins blazing with intensified power! An inhuman bellow signalled the start of his frenzied retaliation.

Dash! Boom!

Leaping with newfound strength, the empowered Ripper tackled Cocoa Fox brutally before she noticed his approach. Her lithe body was crushed forcefully into a ragged section of chainlink fence along the roadside. The rusted metal lattices buckled but held firm, pinning the momentarily stunned guardian.

"Guh... cheap tricks, foul brute!" Cocoa Fox spat angrily while struggling to wriggle free as her vulpine features morphed instinctively to human shape. 

But the Loki-fuelled strength of Ripper proved overwhelming. Raising a mighty fist glowing with neon energy, he prepared to pound his prey into oblivion and prove his new Alpha status! 

Yet just before the death blow landed, a pair of mysterious restrainers suddenly lashed forth, seizing Ripper by both burly wrists to pause his assault. Squinting through the fluorescent chaos, Cocoa Fox made out twin cords comprised of coiled... dreadlocks?!

"The Blur?!" she exclaimed in realization. Those distinctive locks could come from only one ally!

Her guess swiftly proved accurate as with a sudden thunderous crack, twin bolts of emerald electricity blasted Ripper backwards, freeing Cocoa Fox from his towering mass. Hitting the roadway surface hard, the sizzling mutant thrashed and howled pathetically. His empowered muscles spasmed and locked tighter under the ongoing electric assault until finally he went limp. The pungent stench of ozone hung thick in the air.

From beside the newly rescued heroine there materialized a familiar athletic form in sleek black and neon green costume. Sparking dreadlocks receded back atop his head as The Blur turned to his partner with a teasing grin visible through the mask. 

"For a speedster, yuh took yuh sweet time getting here!" Cocoa Fox admonished in mock frustration while secretly relieved by the fortuitous backup.

"Everything criss, T, just had couple errands to blaze first." He shrugged nonchalantly. "Plus yuh seemed to have di bad bwoys under control at first. Then that snake started popping extra additives like it's club night!" The Blur nudged Ripper's unconscious mass contemptuously with one foot. "Di Neon Punkster dem outta control. Ever since Cain was abducted by Lord Skull these freaks been popping up everywhere. We gotta purge dis poison from Portland fi good!"

His vulpine companion nodded firmly in agreement. Since surviving the harrowing showdown at Seacrest High months ago, both teen heroes had resumed covert training for battles exactly like this in defence of their community. And the threat was clearly escalating out of hand.

Back at the JHA headquarters, the observing heroes murmured among themselves while analysing the efficient takedown by Portland's two covert guardians. "Those pups handle themselves remarkably well given their brief experience. Evidently past travails have accelerated their development," remarked JuJu. Her reserved praise drew nods from Crystal Atom and some of the others.

"Indeed, destiny binds those two as champions for the emerging age. I foresee the seeds of iconhood taking root even now..." added Ras Nine sagely. None could deny the pair below demonstrated increasing chemistry and capability when united against threats. Perhaps certain veterans might mentor their noticeable talents should they accept guidance.

"Hmm…" Crystal Atom glanced at Ra Nine suspiciously. "You speak as if you know those two personally. Is there something you're hiding from me?"

"How can I hide something from the All Seer?" Ras Nine carefully avoided answering the question directly.

Down below the precarious overpass, The Blur swiftly restrained the few groaning punks that still clung to consciousness using coiled locks and debris. Cocoa Fox assisted while keeping watch for any further surprises. Satisfied the situation was contained, she keyed an alert to the nearest JPCU squad vehicle to come apprehend the threats. The victorious heroes then bumped fists and leaned casually against a concrete pylon to catch their breath as distant sirens approached through neon-tinged darkness.

"These freaks are getting out of control. I need to find Cain. God only knows what those villains are putting him through." Devon sighed and added, "I've been scouring the whole place but still can't find any lead."

"That Skull bastard is hiding him good," said Tanya resting a hand on Devon's shoulder. "Don't stress yuh head. We'll find them eventually."

"Hopefully sooner than later," finished Devon.

Another night of vigilante guardianship completed successfully in Portland parish. But both youths knew the coming nights likely concealed ever greater terrors yet to be faced before this conflict with the narcotic underworld reached final resolution...whatever form that finale took.

For now though, standing beneath blinking constellations with chemical fumes wafting in the breeze, The Blur was thankful for reliable allies and the difference even two resolute defenders could make for his embattled community when stalwart hearts refused to yield. Ras Nine's lessons about seeking balance between opposing forces gave perspective. As extreme as the spreading chaos grew, the rising light now kindled within himself and Cocoa Fox felt equally powerful to overcome the gathering dark eventually. Patience and applied pressure remained key.

After assuring the arriving JPCU crew had secured the scene safely, the two heroes slipped unnoticed into shadowed foliage lining the roadway. Watchful guardians keeping vigilant pace with spreading threats around Portland parish and beyond. Wherever oppression reared its head next, resistance was already coiling to strike in defence of the people.