Infiltrating Monymusk Forest   


Many twisting miles beyond iron gates guarding civilized streets, there sprawled rain soaked wilderness hostile to weak constitutions. This was the untamed lush realm of Monymusk Forest Reserve, sanctuary to rare species and pristine by day yet concealing lawless outcasts once Sol's gaze shifted elsewhere.

Having travelled swiftly to this remote region through use of cunning and speed, Devon now crept stealthily towards his concealed destination - an isolated clearing containing a greenhouse lab encircled by ramshackle sheds and a parked delivery van marked 'Naturopathic Remedies Ltd.'

According to street intel, this hidden operation allegedly served as covert supply depot to various undisclosed overseers who 'discouraged' invasive questions and scrutiny. Indeed even Devon's heightened senses detected active suppression field generators generating perimeter distortion waves to obstruct remote surveillance. Truly the compound was guarded more secretly than any legal pharmacy business warranted.

"Time fi shake out what nastiness yuh hiding, Mr Mad Scientist." Devon narrowed his gaze, allowing goals and tactics to crystallize clearly within his focused mindspace. The answers he sought from this reclusive figure potentially proved pivotal in thwarting the Toxic cabal's anarchy across Portland parish and beyond.


With perfect execution, The Blur manipulated Hyper Rush for microsecond infiltration past the domed forcefield. None observed the emerald blur materializing atop the warehouse roof to begin covert observation. Below between the structures milled two armed sentries wearing heavy trench coats clearly unsuitable for current climate. More red flags something illicit was being safeguarded here. But where was the master alchemist himself?

Cautious reconnaissance revealed no further visible threats. So noiselessly The Blur descended to conduct closer examination, stalking the perimeter slowly while determining his apprehension strategy. If violence could be avoided, the captive would likely share critical intel easier. So stealth and precision proved vital to secure optimal outcome.

Approaching the parked van first while hugging shadows, The Blur discovered crates containing vials of a viscous sapphire fluid matching earlier samples he had confiscated from Cain's party months back. The characteristic neon glow confirmed these reservoirs indeed contained concentrated doses of Loki-7. So there was no longer any doubt regarding implications of this foreign compound and the calamity it was causing across communities.

"These might be useful..." The Blur glanced around rapidly then carefully selected two vials as evidence and dissolved back into foliage using Hyper Rush evasion. These samples would aid formulating safeguards and antidotes to the affliction. Later when free moment allowed, he would see if he could analyse the vile substance properties directly through secure JHA channels.

With swift photos also snapped documenting the other stacked supply crates, Devon compressed digital files through an encryption app then messaged all data securely to his personal cloud locker. Now undeniable proof was preserved exposing this black market biochemist's complicity in spreading suffering. Just desserts awaited this heartless merchant of deception and poisons.

"What to do now? Should I…"

Having completed the initial evidence gathering phase, The Blur began contemplating his next strategic manoeuvres when unexpectedly shouting nearby signalled the garage roller door screeching open. Quickly swivelling, he observed the two armed guards approaching then stiffening to attention. Moments later, a hooded figure emerged wearing a dense polyethylene hazmat suit and began berating the guards angrily.

"Imbeciles! Who left vat controls improperly calibrated? Weeks of metabolic cultivation nearly lost thanks your bungling." The man's voice sounded youthful yet cold and imperious beneath his face shield. Clearly someone quite comfortable wielding authority.

The Blur studied the mysterious hooded figure intently, deducing this must be his high value target - the clandestine head alchemist coordinating distribution of the Neon Punksters' precious biochemical weaponry from this jungle hideaway.

Beneath hood and faceplate, no facial features offered clues to the man's identity. Yet instinct warned underestimating his scientific capabilities posed dire risks, especially on hostile turf. So silent restraint remained essential until the bigger conspirators like Lord Skull were taken into custody. There would be only one opportunity for decisive pacification and transport once the Class One illegal drugs were irrefutably linked to this ghost CEO.

"Gather vat failsafe samples then clean your mess properly! I have Riverton shipments needing preparation shortly." With those curt instructions to his guards, the bio-engineer headed back inside the metal building, leaving the grunts grumbling at their assigned remediation chore.

"Yow dawg, a shoot mi fi shoot dah batty bwoy scientist deh inna him brain enuh," said one disgruntled worker to another while fiddling with his gun.

"Just breathe easy, ghetto youth. Wi soon graduate from dis ill treatment," advised the other man. 

"Hmm…" From the treetop, The Blur smiled slyly. What better timing to catch his high value culprit red-handed! Now to implement capture protocols before more hazardous materials could be dispersed across the island.

Careful applications of the time manipulation art honed through intense training allowed The Blur to silently infiltrate the garage interior behind his target's back without detection due to everyone being paused mid motion. Quickly scanning the unusual laboratory, he assessed the unregulated equipment and substances before deciding on an area to secrete himself out of plain sight. Surprise interrogation relied on capitalizing on shock factor to press for answers.

Now crouched behind an alloy storage cabinet and shielded by robbery shields woven hastily from his electrified locks, The Blur prepared to drop his temporal void field around the head scientist once his back was turned. The element of confusion could be his closest ally in preventing immediate retaliation from sophisticated threats.

Sure enough, after placing down a rack of freshly calibrated vials, the hazmat-wearing criminal stepped towards a panel of monitors displaying vital signs and chemical analysis. That distraction left his back exposed - the opportune moment to drop time cloak and announce his presence!

Discarding his concealment in a blurring instant, The Lightning Guardian prepared to flash-step behind the oblivious figure whose concealed visage remained glued to data charts. One palm raised charged with immobilizing current, ready to paralyze him.

However, before forward momentum even commenced fully, reality itself seemed to ripple strangely. Without warning Devon's body froze against his will, muscles locking rigidly. The abrupt sensation was akin to being submerged abruptly in invisible gelatin!

"What di rhaas?!" The Blur struggled to breathe while darting his eyes sideways trying to understand why he couldn't move. Then to deepening dismay, the Dread Charge Bar on his mask's HUD began to flare, indicating that he had run out of electricity.

/-/-/-/ Dread Charge at 0.2% 

'Damn, I was careless. Shoulda keep track of my batteries . Hyper Rush drains me dry and now I'm stuck here in this mess…' Not only was he stuck, but his outburst had attracted the precarious turning head of the hazmat-wearing man.