Criminal Reward  

With the morning's final delivery location secured and signature verified by annoyed businessman, Devon conferenced Killz for confirmation to end an exhaustive shift. The gang lord sounded well pleased by protégé's reliability all told. "Tun up, youth! Yuh performed proper out there today. Kubba u-turns to avoid roadblocks, even duct through raging river washouts?! Them feats yuh achieved with zero damage to the product!"

His proud laughter echoed loudly. "Mi other likkle youths them too afraid of bad terrain. Them fraidy-cats only cruise easy streets, then come crying when cargo mash up!"

Devon chuckled weakly in response, fatigue was truly setting in after that final gruelling run upstream against raging flash flood waters. Without quick falls and short-cutting fence brambles along the river gorge no way could timed quotas stay satisfied. He was immensely grateful for his Coco Power endurance temporarily powering through harsh scenarios that exceeded human extremes today.

Killz meanwhile continued his appraising commentary through the phone. "Word of yuh skills is travelling fast, my youth! Client from Humphy Town already offering big paper for yuh exclusive courier privilege. Them city routes are no easy walkthrough still, so big trust is required. Whatcha say, yuh game?"

Mind whirling, Devon contemplated how to shift the conversation to more strategic insights without rousing suspicion. Thus far he had carefully avoided probing too deeply into cargo contents, instead projecting naive ambition to rise the distribution ranks at face value. Perhaps this opening presented an opportunity for unveiling wider network secrets.

"Yah man, I have no issue carrying anywhere for the cause." Devon injected a casual tone into his words, hoping to inspire brags. "Although better avoid Humphy Town after dark just in case. Neon Punksters them condense there." He whistled sharply recalling news footage of heroes' battles the day before.

"But I respect the hustle the same way, so just point the package coach." Masterful prodding keeps focus on your advantageous interests while allowing scammers space to boast freely. "Yuh point and I deliver - simple. We soon have the whole parish peacefully under this Lid company if the team integrate tight."

That strategic appeal to unite interests brought satisfied chuckles from Killz. The gang lord enjoyed flaunting his web of illegal enterprises like some CEO discussing corporate takeovers. And this fresh recruit kept offering hungry ears to fill with grandiose visions.

"Jamaica soon recognized my Lid trademark if young warriors stay loyal, yuh zeen!" Killz's pitch rose passionately. "Any rudebwoy feel them bad enough to box with we? Let them test! From Constant Spring straight to Hellshire, my young Dons regulate the streets!"

Imagining the scammer's theatrical poses from past interactions brought Devon muted amusement. But steady focus steered dialogue to expose wider criminal connections across the island. If neon chains indeed stretched vast, the country's peace balanced precariously.

"Dons inna every major parish now, chief? Damn, how yuh manager to grow so fast?" Devon injected awe into his words for effect. "Competition must stay fierce with other crews though. Unless yuh boss them somehow." He chuckled conspiratorially. "I bet nobody dares war with Lid Syndicate if they know better!"

Again the gang lord seized prompt cue provided boasting of his domineering status by supposed reputation alone. "Boy yuh know it! Mi have nuff baby mamas to war dogs ready to bite down anyone who acts up!" His conceited laughter echoed. "Not one rudebwoy bad enough to trouble we. Them keep quiet and know them place once my boys mark streets. Lid everywhere yuh done know!"

Devon frowned thoughtfully during arrogant proclamations. This syndicate's boastful dominance sounded unrealistic unless... outside support existed. External alliances often permitted smaller groups disproportionate influence. And who currently held apex status controlling Portland's drug channels covertly?

"Bossman, all this territory that you claim must attract envious looks, enuh?" Devon spoke carefully. "Big organisations backing your network or you a solo mastermind?"

Pressed for an insider perspective, Killz took several moments before responding vaguely. "Y'know how the thing set. Strong bonds emerge when smart hustlers seize opportunities together. The future shines bright for the open-minded."

Cryptic words yet revealing. So Killz wasn't a lone mastermind after all. Higher forces clearly bolstered his boastful rise distributing powders and pills Island wide. The Lid Syndicate was a mere façade masking more elite powers puppeteering Portland's public unrest via Neon substances. No doubt Lord Skull and the Toxic Trio were at the centre.


Hours later as the sun began to set, Killz had given Devon minor errands after being impressed by his dedication. As Devon parked his motorcycle outside the warehouse, he noticed Killz muttering to the back entrance guard. Shifty glances were exchanged followed by the other man pulling a switchblade pocket knife free. Killz fast walked towards Devon with the rudeboy guard in tow.

"Yow Devon, big up yuhself on the runs today. Yuh solid to the core," praised Killz, giving daps which Devon returned casually.

"Yeah man, nuff props for making them questionable deliveries with no fuss." The guard scanned Devon briefly before looking away when met with an intense stare. If intimidation was what they were aiming for then it had failed embarrassingly.

"All the boys rate how yuh perform well under pressure. We discuss with the elders and them soon promote you. But first, a final test." Killz placed both hands on Devon's shoulder almost brotherly-like. There existed a strange glint of purpose in those squinted eyes.

"Test?" Devon's brows arched, glancing between Killz and the edgy guard. Adrenaline was already secreting. Whatever they wanted him to prove might involve a confrontation.

"Come, walk with I." Killz directed his head towards the nearby bushes. After several minutes of ducking through thick foliage, they arrived at a secluded section of rainforest. The evening sky was transitioning into a mixture of Zaffre and orange. Only the muffled sounds of birds and animals echoed faintly. Killz brought them to a stop, which was the cue for his knife-wielding minion to step closer intimidatingly.

"Now that I know yuh competent for the work, you're ready to enter the realness." Killz's tone shifted sternly. He crossed both arms while sizing up Devon like a drill sergeant. "Illegal courier duties seem easy on the front end but require iron guts daily. People perish out there with no fanfare or justice." His nostrils flared briefly, the first signs of emotion leaking through his facade.

The knife thug used this moment to interject aggressively. "I've seen plenty of youths get marks for trespassing through enemy turf! Last month them St. Thomas rudebwoys butcher Rico down by the gully when..." Abruptly Killz raised his palm signalling to hush up. The silent order was followed without resistance.

Returning his attention to Devon, Killz continued. "The point is this is no playground thing we building. So all newcomers need proper vetting for loyalty..."

As if on cue, the knife-wielding flunky retrieved his shining switchblade, its features becoming enhanced by the mini solar lamps adorning tree branches nearby.

"Which mean yuh must demonstrate grit to gain the key, dig?" Killz finished with a smirk.

Devon rotated his left wrist slowly, tendons and muscles contracting in preparation beneath his skin. Any malice towards him would be met with equal reactive force - that was his non-lethal principle regarding confrontations.

"What kinda demonstration yuh have in mind?" He asked Killz with disciplined calmness. Dusk was gradually darkening the remote woodland around them. Improvising tactics may prove necessary if an ambush was imminent.

The syndicate leader's grin widened before responding with a suggestive tone.

"Nothing too taxing. Just a slight... obstacle removal."

Killz began pacing casually in front of his two followers with hands crossed behind his back. "As mi rise to power, many petty setbacks still persist. Incompetent underlings and unnecessary attachments dragging down the empire, zeen?"

He paused meaningfully, eyeing both listening associates. "Things function smoother after dead weight gets eliminated properly. It frees up opportunities for those who step up."

The flunky nodded dutifully while Devon frowned in building unease. Where exactly was this vague talk headed?

"Yuh catch my drift, right Devon? Teams elevate highest when disloyal elements get expunged." Killz grinned coldly. "So your chance to prove yuhself loyal right here and now. By handling a piece of troublesome business for me."

Abruptly the gang lord seized his lackey's collar and snatched away the knife before shoving him to his knees. The man yelped in surprise but remained frozen under Killz's glare. With blurring speed, the deadly blade tip was suddenly positioned at the flunky's vulnerable throat.

"P-please Boss! Mi won't talk to that gyal again, I swear it!" The man raised trembling hands in surrender while peering down at the silver steel. He confessed, already knowing what Killz was upset about. "Yuh baby-madda tempting but mi shut her down the last time..."

"Liar!" Killz shouted, spittle flying. "Yuh cocky backside keep sniffing around mi baby-madda, probably sampled her pum-pum already too!" His voice shook with outrage. "Yuh filthy swine gonna die for yuh loose ways tonight!"


The blade edge nicked flesh drawing a scarlet drop. The thug whimpered pitifully, not daring to move. Killz sneered in disgust before shoving his captive down face first into the muddy earth. Then he turned slowly as his anger was replaced by calm cunning.

"Here now Devon. As the newest recruit, you get the honours of sending this snake to Hell."

The waiting gang leader extended the gripped knife towards stunned Devon handle-first. "Show me yuh have the belly to protect yuh boss's interests. Silence loose lips permanently, zeen?"