(C1) Wrath


At a random village in the game, Arcania Online, A group of players surround a man standing blankly, his raven-black hair swaying in harmony with the wind.

The next second however, A blade pierced through the man's chest, His eyes, that resembles the abyss itself widened as his life slowly come to a bitter end and with the withdrawal of the blade, his body disintegrate into particles, dissolving seemlessly into the surrounding.


The crowd stood still at their position, as if waiting for something-- Then the same young man appeared at the center of the crowd, only for the same cruel blade, which previously took his life, to end him again.


HuanYing seethed with frustration, having been subjected to almost a thousand death within a single day.

Unfortunately he couldn't even fight back, not only do they outnumbered him but they also had killed him so many times that he had turn into a level 1 weakling.

As for the reason why were they were doing this to him? Well, long story short, He mistook a random player, BunnyGirl11, as one of his enemies trying to ambush him so he decide to attack her first, in which she died in a single shot, little does he know that she's a very famous streamer, with over a hundred thousand fans.

And not only was she a streamer but also a top ranker who ranked 98th at the leaderboard, but now due to her unanticipated death, she lost a level, removing her from the top 100.

This event fuel her fans fury and they decide to do everything just to make sure, they demote HuanYing back to level 1 as revenge, And as they succeed on doing so, BunnyGirl11 had a brilliant idea and told everyone to 'help' HuanYing get a world record for the most death in a day-- her goal was a thousand and she plan on streaming everything.

HuanYing was enraged as the receiving end of such unfairness, they even used a cursed scroll spell with an effect of anti log-out to him to make sure he couldn't leave as they camp his spawn point and kill him every time the game respawn him.


At his 1000th respawned, HuanYing somehow felt relieve, The effect of the curse was slowly coming into an end, and then he can finally log out and make a new account.

"I have written all your names in my notes, One day I will make sure that all of you would pay!" HuanYing's stare at the surrounding players, his eyes, full of anger as he etch their face on his mind, vowing for revenge.

"Dream on!" BunnyGirl11 snickered and took the blade of her fan as she decided to be the one to deal the final blow on HuanYing.

The curse finally expires along with his death, the timer for his respawned slowly ticks in-- 10, 9, 8...-- HuanYing braced himself, ready to log out.

However something mysterious suddenly happened, as the countdown reach its end, HuanYing found himself respawning to an unfamiliar place, A desolate city stretched before him, cloaked in an unsettling shade of red. Buildings lay in ruins, rivers flowed blood red liquid, and silence gripped the land.

Confusion gripped him, "Where... is this place?" Had the insane amount of death he had today cause the system to bug out and teleported him to another place?

[Congratulations! You are the first player to find the underworld! Experience and loot drop rates are doubled for 24 hours.]

[Congratulations! You are the first player to travel on another dimension! Title "Dimensional Explorer" was given!]

[Title: Dimensional Explorer

-Legendary Rank Title-

Title bonus: 10% Increase in all attributes, Expereinced gained +20%, Your familiarity with npc from other dimensions will all start at 10(Acquittance)! ]

"Underworld?! You mean the land of the death??!! And I also got an awesome title??!!!!" HuanYing almost past out due to the shock, his heart racing.

HuanYing immediately tried to calm himself down, He couldn't waste any more time and should start grinding so he could take revenge!

"Now then... I pray to god that there's weak monsters out here!" HuanYing clasped his hand and pray to every god he knows.

And as if answering his prayers, after HuanYing had walk out the ruined village and reach the forest he immediately encounter a slime.

"Is that.... really a slime?" He wondered while hiding behind a tree, The slime in question looks like the regular slime at first- except for the fact that it looks slightly translucent and it has a bright yellow halo.

Albeit unsure whether it was truly a slime or not, HuanYing still readied himself for a fight and summoned his inventory, searching for a weapon he could use, "Fuck! All of them had a high level requirement!"

He never thought that there will come a time that he would need a low level equipment so he always sell those kind of thing, "Do I have to fight a slime barehanded?"

While HuanYing was busy with his thought, The slime had notice him and start bouncing enthusiastically towards him.

The slime gradually comes closer and closer until HuanYing spun around with a smirk "You thought I didn't see you sneaking up on me?!" He said before unleashing a kick that sent the slime tumbling backward.

[Slime Spirit lvl 2]

"Slime Spirit..." HuanYing murmured the monster's name before following up with another kick towards the slime.

The slime, however, proved to be no pushover, launching an immediate counterattack. It struck HuanYing's face with its soft, slimy body, sending him back to the ground.


The two engaged into a long dogfight where they alternately attack each other, soon the slime fell and dissipate into expereince orb that HuanYing's body absorbed.

"Pheww... I almost lost that fight, why does that shit had so much health?" With only 10 health remaining, HuanYing was relieved that he won the match.

He immediately open his inventory and drank a medium health potion, while it would be less costly to use a lower tier health potions, it was the only potion he had.

He was also forced to use the health potions lest he died and respawn back to the overworld.

"All for the greater good!" HuanYing thought to himself before he proceed to look for another slime to fight with.

HuanYing roam the crimson forest and amidst the exploration, he encounter not just slimes spirit, but also goblins and even wolves, and just like the slimes, they also look translucent with a halo on their head.

"With the slime spirit being stronger than normal, I don't think I could defeat those monster, bare-handed, Back to slime hunting!" Determined not to die, HuanYing continued his slime-killing spree, unaware of the enigmatic events unfolding elsewhere in the underworld.

Somewhere in the depths of the underworld...

"Someone was absorbing the souls? who had the ability to do such a thing in my domain?" An unknown entity wearing a black hood and hold a large scythe spoke before making a tear at the space in front of him, creating a rift large enough for him to walk into.