Establishing Dominance

Lucy had been living quite a happy life from the day she was summoned. Lu Fan might have a twisted way of handling things, but it did not affect her much.

If anything, it turned her on.

The one that she was worried about the most was Aria. Her intelligence seems to go offline as soon as she sees Lu Fan.

Lucy was also in love with Lu Fan. Hell, they all were even before they met the guy. But Aria's mentality was getting worse by the day and she did not know how to fix it.

It was like she was addicted to Lu Fan and his rod.

Lu Fan would treat her harshly now and then, but once the time for fun came, she was like an addict who just got their shot.

She knew it, and Lu Fan knew it, and he was still doing it.

Lucy could only hope that the trip to Sakura would give Aria time to get her brain straight.

But that was not her job. The most important thing to her was Lu Fan then her job as his lawyer and woman.