Test the Limits

This was what intrigued him.

How the fuck do you use bread as a hammer and still have it soft and fluffy? If he figured that out, it would be the most amazing thing on the planet.

His static DNA structuring was good and could substitute concrete as a construction material, but how the fuck were the workers going to use it.

The material was as hard as steel but not as malleable or as tensile.

Once it was set, there was no changing it. And that was a problem.

Was he going to print every structure that the company was commissioned to build? That was impossible.

His idea was to turn it into a painting of some sort and have it used as a layering of some sort, but that seemed to be a disadvantage and not a long-term solution.

Such a simple way of presentation would pose a problem and he was bound to face quite the pressure from all sorts of places.

But the body enhancement potion had something that he could use.