Change is Possible

"Maybe you should cool it with that stuff," Bram warned.

"What? Women are free here and they can do what they want."

"I love that you're pretending this is about liberation when really it's about ogling naked people," Bram said with a scoff. I felt relieved since he wasn't coming after me for this, though that wasn't the best-case scenario. My hope was that things were different, but I was so conditioned to be afraid. 

Sensing something was going on with me, Bram gave me a look of reassurance. Rhys threw his hands up and left in a dramatic way. Bram shook his head, but I could see he was smiling. 

"Are you alright?" he asked when he came closer to me.

"Yeah, it's just that ... " I trailed off unsure how to say what I wanted to. I was worried he'd be angry. 

"Alex," he began. "I know I had rabid jealousy about you before but that was my problem. It had nothing to do with you. Do you understand?"

"I think so, but that isn't how it felt, and I can't lie and say there hasn't been a lasting impact." 

Bram searched my face, and I could see the regret and compassion he had. Not many people truly understood the impact of their actions. He had been abusive before. 

"I think I understand," he said softly. 

"I believe you."

He walked to me, pulling me into his strong arms. I held him and we stayed like that for a minute. When he moved back to look into my eyes, he said, "Marry me, Alex." I smiled and laughed.

"I said I would."

"I mean now."

"NOW, now?"

"Yes," he said. I could see he was dead serious. I began to blush. "Rhys could get someone to come here if we really wanted to do that. I'd rather, wouldn't you?"

"Yes!" I exclaimed. He smiled at me in a way that I could feel to my core. Even in the dark, I could see his glittering sea-green irises. When he came to me, he kissed me deeply and I brought my hands up into his hair. 

"UGH! Get a room," we heard Rhys say from the second floor. We turned around and blushed. Then he took a picture of us. 

"I need to ask a favor of you Rhys," Bram shouted. 


"I need to ask you a favor!"

"Just come inside!" Rhys slammed the window and shut the shades. 

We walked back to the estate door where one of Rhys's girls opened it for us. The second one greeted us when we walked through the door.

"I'm Jenna, by the way," she said, her long French manicured nails perfectly done on her mahogany-tone hand. 

"Hi Jenna. It's nice to meet you," I said. "I'm Alex. So sorry I didn't introduce myself before."

"Oh, that's okay. Rhys can captivate anyone's attention. I understand." She winked at me. and I smiled in surprise. "And I've heard about Bram so many times, it's almost like he lives here with us!" she exclaimed. 

We began to walk up the stairs and Jenna stopped us. Bram and I exchanged glances. 

"Cute Jenna," Bram said. "Now, let us by please."

"No, I can't let you up in Rhys's room. He's resting."

"But we just spoke with--"

"It's alright, darling," Rhys said from the second floor. He waved us on. 

"My apologies, he ... " she trailed off staring up at him, clearly confused. An unspoken exchange went on between Rhys and Jenna with the end resulting in exchanged nods. Bram and I got over our bewilderment and ascended the carpeted stairs. We walked around the upper level all the way over to the left side where Rhys's room was. 

Standing in front of his door, he smiled at them though he seemed to not have the same vigor he had earlier. 

"So," he began, then coughed. "What is it you need?"

"Can you get someone here who can marry us?" Bram asked. Rhys nodded and smiled.

"Certainly," he said, then he opened his bedroom door. "Please, come inside so we can talk further."

Bram and I peeked in as he walked past his canopy bed to one of the cozy chaise lounge chairs. He sat down and pulled a blanket over himself. Bram was cued into the sudden change in atmosphere. 

"What's going on Rhys?" he asked. Rhys glanced at his brother and then patted beside him. Bram slowly lowered himself on the chair. He waved for me to come over beside him. 

We waited until Rhys said, "I have cancer. It's terminal." It felt like the air left the room. Bram furrowed his brow and shook his head.

"It came back. Is that what you're saying?"

"Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying." Rhys was adamant. Bram dropped his head down, staring at the floor. I never knew where he was when he pondered this kind of information. He disappeared somewhere in his head that nobody could touch. He always seemed so calm in the face of shocking pain. 

"What about Rusty? He must be able--"

"Big brother, if money could buy me out of this, believe me, I'd have done it already. I don't need Rusty to help me. I have plenty but listen. I really need you to help me with the estate. I've put everything in your name--"

"Rhys!" Bram exclaimed standing up. I watched him begin to pace. 

"What would you like me to do, Bram?" Rhys clasped his hands. 

"Just ... I don't know. Just take your time explaining," Bram whispered. 

"I don't have time to take," Rhys said. It was the first time I had seen his hazel eyes lose their childish glee since meeting him. Rhys was resigned to his fate, but this wasn't going to be easy for Bram to catch up.

"Now I know why you were worried about contamination. If we brought sickness here, you'd--" Bram stopped himself. Rhys nodded slowly acknowledging the truth. Bram was shaking his head with his lips pursed in a grimace. 

"I'm still on chemo so my immune system is shit right now. I didn't want to risk getting a lung infection. I'm already coughing all night as it is. But, either way, I'm stopping it soon. I've arranged hospice." 

Bram couldn't listen anymore, and he hastily left the room. For some reason, I didn't feel awkward alone with Rhys, despite the heavy tone of the conversation. Rhys smiled at me. 

"I'm glad I got to meet you in person, Alex. It has been so long that I've been trying to get him to bring you here."

"Thank you, and the feeling is mutual. It's funny that he never mentioned you asking."

"Well, we've had our ups and downs that's for certain. Bram can be hot and cold." 

I chuckled and said, "You've got that right."

"But he loves you, Alex. I've never seen him like this about anyone else."

"Thank you for telling me that Rhys," I said. "But please, let me help you." I got on my knees in front of him. He smiled at me with surprise. I could see tears in his eyes. 

"You want to know how you can help me?"


"Grab me my phone. I'm too tired to get up. It's on the nightstand. I'm going to call me the best damn Rabbi we have around." 

I smiled at him tearfully then stood up and walked to his nightstand picking up his phone. When I brought it back to him it lit up. I could see a picture of Rhys with Jenna and the other girl.

"I met Jenna," I said. "But what's the other girl's name?" I whispered. Rhys laughed. 

"Her name is Anna. They both have the same last name too."

"Oh? What is it?"

"Darling," he whispered. 

"You're married to both?" I asked. He nodded and I began giggling. "I thought that was illegal."

"Here on the Darling Ranch, we do as we please." He waved his hand at me then beckoned to me then whispered, "Is it obvious that my edibles just kicked in?" I giggled and shook my head. 

When I handed him the phone, he put it in his lap for a moment. He reached for my hand and held it tightly. 

"Keep making Bram happy," he said. 

I felt something strange happen after he said that. Our hands were in contact and in my palm, I felt an electric sensation. Suddenly, I was inside Rhys's body, searching for what I didn't know. My energy was like a snake tunneling, winding, and then I found what I was searching for. The tumors. 

I could touch them with my energy and as I inspected them, suddenly I understood. I could kill Rhys's cancer but keep him alive.  The virus, the Noir part of me wanted to replenish by killing illness. It was going to use its destructive nature, to destroy mutations. 

My purpose, my hack, my Nimble special tweak was to bring people back from the grave. The Noir in me could surface from a slumber I knew nothing about. It wasn't gone. It still had purpose and I was going to make sure I used it well. 

"What did you do?" he asked then said, "Actually, I already know. Alex ..." Rhys trailed off. "You're Noir."

"Yes," I whispered. "And I can help you."

"Yes, I know," Rhys nodded with tears in his eyes. "Bram?"

"Yeah?" Bram's voice sounded croaky. I could see his silhouette in the doorway. 

"You should come back. We have some good news."