Unexpected Calls

"I know it's hard, and I didn't ever give you a place to speak about this stuff before, but I think it's important to you Alex. It's important that you actually face what this place is for you and the fact that it upsets you. I know you want to be with me physically and I do too, but don't try to escape the matter at hand."

I sat back, suddenly feeling tears on the edge of my lids, I gave him a quick nod. He shook his head once and came closer to me. After pulling me next to him, he wrapped his arm around my neck. I could feel his penetrating stare. When I looked into his eyes, I expected to perhaps see judgment, but instead they were softened with compassion.

"You're right," I could barely voice. "It's a lot." He nodded and hugged me closely. "But it's our wedding night. Do you really want to be talking about my dysfunctional family with me?"

"I want to talk to you about whatever you need." His voice was quiet and warm.

"Thank you, for asking."

It was then that Jenna came around to the backyard. She was holding Rhys's phone and was giving us perplexed looks. She then said, "It's someone named Mr. Rosa?"

Bram's face immediately flashed to angst as he glanced at me and then the phone. He waved his hand, gesturing aggressively at Jenna to give it to him. She reluctantly handed it over, noting the peculiarity in Bram's reaction.

"Mr. Rosa," Bram began, "This is our wedding night. Our real wedding night. We'd like it if you'd stay out of—" Bram stopped short. I tried listening to what my father was saying but it was too quiet. When Bram glanced at me and then thrust the phone in my direction, I looked at him in confusion.

"Uh, why the change of heart?" I asked.

"Says he needs to make amends. He's in Gambler's Anonymous."

"Again? Big deal."

I glared at Bram, unable to believe the gall of my father but even worse, Bram's willingness to be duped. However, once my mini tantrum abated, I knew that Bram wasn't gullible which meant this must be serious. I took the phone and put it on speaker.

"Alex? Are you there, tadpole?" He hadn't called me that since I was in kindergarten. He sounded tired but perhaps a bit more grounded. Or was that wishful thinking on my part?

"I'm here," I said with reluctance.

"Oh, hi, hi, Alex! It's so nice to hear your voice."

"Th-Thanks," I said quietly. My sudden insecurity was notable in my tone. I realized I was shaking as I held the phone over the water. I was afraid of him lying to me but soon I realized, more than that, I was afraid of it being real.

I handed it to Bram to help keep steady. As we each held onto the phone, we waited to hear what my dad was going to say.

"Now, I have to tell you that this may sound somewhat rehearsed but it's what I must say to everyone I'm making amends with."

"Amends, Dad?"

"Yes, it's step ten of the twelve-step program. You know the one I mean." I paused, unable to speak. "So, yeah, here it goes. I'm in a program of recovery and part of that recovery is making amends with everyone I've harmed. You don't need to say anything, just listen. There is no expectation on you."

"Okay," I said quietly.

"When I was gambling, I hurt you in the following ways: I left you alone as a child, I stole from you, I spent money that we needed to use for food, I was cruel to your mother in front of you."

I sat back for a moment after hearing that. I didn't remember him being outwardly hurtful toward Mom, but I didn't want to stop him from confessing. He continued a laundry list of the wrongs he had done me throughout the years and what I thought would only be a few minutes turned into twenty.

"I prostituted you into a marriage with Bram," he said. "Most of all, I didn't give you the love you deserved." My heart swelled with happiness and vindication. I couldn't believe he owned his problems. I waited for him to add something more but apparently, he was finished.

"Okay, Dad," I said. I couldn't think of poignant words, so I kept quiet. This was quite a shock to me.

"Thanks for listening." It was the last thing he said before hanging up. Even though I thought I'd want to say more, I was speechless, so the wordless goodbye was a relief. When I caught Bram's eye, he had a smile on his face that I'd never seen before. I promptly averted my gaze.

I wasn't sure if I wanted to talk about this yet. Sensing my need for privacy he gently set the phone down on a nearby table that appeared to be set up for drinks. I sat back with the thoughts about my father's confession and admission.

When I laid my head back and closed my eyes, I suddenly saw a face I recognized in the darkness. Her hazel eyes were alight with golden flecks sparkling, her charcoal-colored hair flowing.

"Mom?" I whispered. She nodded and then came closer to me. Behind my head, I could feel her fingertips along my hairline, pulling on my long locks like when I was a child.

Underneath closed lids I began to cry freely until I couldn't hold back any longer. When she leaned down to my ear, I could hear her whispering words of consolation. I nodded in response to her direction.

Her final thoughts were, "Your journey isn't over yet. There is so much more for you out there, baby girl. I love you, Alex."

My spiritual encounter was quickly interrupted when I heard the phone ring. I snapped my eyes open and watched as Bram picked it up, answering with confidence as though he lived at this house with Rhys. When he tilted his head away from me, I knew something was up.

With anticipation, I waited, trying desperately to hear what the other person was saying. I just knew it had something to do with what my mother had said, but then again, everything would. She was telling me that I could enjoy and live life, even without her.

Patiently, I waited. I exhaled and felt myself letting go of some of the grief her death had caused me.

After he hung up, he looked at me and said, "I just got word from Len that Rusty knows we're here. He's trying to get—"

The phone interrupted Bram's speech. He picked it up and answered. This time I knew it was Sandy as he said his name. Next rang Jonah. After two more calls, Bram knew that his two brothers were on their way to the estate.

We both speedily toweled off, wrapped in our robes, and headed upstairs to our room. After a glance at Rhys and seeing he was still sleeping, we pulled our clothes on. Sensing the strange vibe, we were exuding, Anna slowly followed us. Once we were finished dressing and exited the room, she surprised me as she was leaning against the wall.

"What's going on?" she asked.

"We have some trouble," I said.

"It's Rusty," Bram said. With that, Anna's face contorted into an angry scowl.

"What about that bastard?"

"He's coming here but hopefully not before my other brothers get here. Len and Rachel have him tailed now and are trying to get reinforcements."

"But he is just one man. How can one man be so hard to control?" Anna asked. Bram laughed under his breath.

"This isn't just one man. He'll come with all his guards and mob friends."

"But we are known worldwide!" I exclaimed in frustration, echoing Anna's sentiment. "How can anyone touch us? We saved the f*cking world."

"We have the best people on this, Alex. Rusty won't succeed but the fact that he wants to insert himself, is concerning and with Rhys recovering, I don't want to run the risk of a confrontation inside. I need to make sure he doesn't get in here. Me, Jonah, and Sandy will know what to do once we get talking."

With that Bram began to walk down the stairs. I followed him like a nervous little puppy. Promptly, I felt small and afraid like I used to when I didn't know what was going on with him. As he turned to me, I could see the old Bram in his steeled eyes.

I nearly jumped backward from the sight of his dazed, vacant expression. At once I remembered every time he had shouted and been harsh. Upon seeing my face his expression softened for a moment as if he understood what I needed but then he went into battle mode once more.

Now I understood that this part of him was necessary to deal with the gaslighting, narcissistic, toxic person he and his siblings had for a father. He'd home grown this part of himself out of defense.

Whenever I remembered my life with Dad, I thought I had it bad. Clearly, that wasn't false since his amends to me were lengthy. However, compared to Rusty, my dad was a pussycat, which was even further realized when I remembered it was Rusty who forced me to marry Bram in the first place. What a twisted life this was but perhaps there was still hope. There had to be.

I wasn't sure if that was my mother who came to me or if it was some Noir personally gifted hallucination that my chemistry had conjured up but if I could see the person who mattered to me most in this world after she was dead, then I most certainly could believe that three men and me could take on Rusty. We also would have Len and Rachel presumably. Perhaps even Jacob could join in if he was in the area. I then wondered the capacity of Anna and Jenna in physical combat. They seemed salty.

As Bram led me outside toward the cul-de-sac I wondered what the plan was. Hopefully, Rusty and Jonah were traveling together and would arrive soon.

"Won't it take them hours to get here?" I finally asked. As we stood outside watching the trees blow in the sudden gusts of wind, I waited to hear Bram's thoughts. I could imagine the struggle he was having with his newly expressed and acknowledged emotions battling with the wall he had kept up for so long.

Bram was sometimes a thinker, so if he didn't answer right away, I wasn't planning to pry but then he turned to me and said, "Sandy has his own pilot who can bring him, and Jonah will be here within an hour. When Jonah is closer, I'm going to try to teleport to him and bring him closer."

"So, how long do you think it will take?"

"I think both will be here in under an hour."

I wasn't sure how to forward the conversation, but I wanted to know how he was feeling. It was so easy to slip back into our old patterns that it shocked me. As we walked toward the outer gate, the wind blew Bram's hair to the left. I watched his eyes glitter in the moonlight as he waited with anticipation.

"He really messed you guys up," I said, immediately realizing how tactless that was. "I'm sorry—"