Irregular License Exam (6)

Drip, drip, drip.

That was the only sound that I heard as I walked through this dungeon.

This dungeon was the Temple of Water that was the location of the next part of the Irregular License Exam.

As the name suggested, it was a dungeon that was filled with water and water based monsters.

It was just a good thing that this place was well lit and I was able to see where I was going.

But that was also very strange since there was nothing here that should have produced light and yet there was more than enough light for me to see everything clearly. It really was a strange phenomenon…but I didn't let myself be caught up by this.

That was because there were monsters around me right now.

I had chosen to enter the dungeon alone since my powers were useful only when I was alone.

If there were others with me, I would have to hold back since there were certain things that I wouldn't be able to do.