Raid dungeon (19)

When we went back to the camp, Tie Gang didn't even bother hiding himself as he walked right through the front gates of the camp.

The guards at the gates were naturally shocked to see him since as far as they knew, he was still in the camp.

So when he suddenly arrived at the entrance of the camp, they immediately raised their weapons to point at him out of fear that he was a fake. However, they immediately lowered their weapons once they saw him pulling out his ID to prove that he was real.

The guards opened the gates and let us in, but there were a few of them that ran off to alert the camp of this.

By the time that we entered the camp, there was already a crowd that gathered.

There were some familiar faces among this crowd, such as my group and the other group that we had clashed with today. As well, there were a bunch of different supporters who had come out to see what was happening.