Tale tell heart of the shy guy

Sometimes I just wonder

why I was created this

way. why I can't seem to

be comfortable when I'm

in the midst of people,

especially ladies. I had been

this way ever since I was a kid.

I'm already on my early

twenties but my issue is not

getting better. It had even

worsened. I can't believe that

at this stage of my life, I still

don't know how to approach

ladies. I had come in contact

with a number of nice ladies

that I love and would love to

spend the rest of my life with,

but due to my shy nature, I

could not approach them and

had lost them all. I still can't

believe that I'm still a virgin at

this stage of my life. Not that

I'm a saint or something. I had

always wanted to take this

virginity of a thing off me, but

don't know how to go about it.

I had never dated any lady all

my life. I dare not tell my

friends that I'm still a virgin,

because they would all laugh at

me. I always brag about how I

made a lady beg me to get her

laid whenever I'm with them,

but in reality, no such thing

had happened.

I always believed I could cope

with my shy and introverted

nature, but not until I gained

admission into the university.

it was when I gained

admission into the university

that I realized there is place

for people like me in the

university. it's either I blend

in and associate with people or

be forever isolated.

it's been three weeks since I

gained admission into the

university. We had already

completed the registration

process and lectures had also

started. The way I always see

students in my department

discussing and associating

with one another, made me

wondered if they had known

one another already, before

they gained admission. I

wished I could be like them

and interact more with my

coursemate, but my

introverted nature wouldn't

allow me. I always try my best

not to be noticed in class. I

dare not raise my hand to

answer any question asked by

a lecturer, even though I knew

the answer.

One day in class, just

immediately we settled down

for lectures, our introduction

to statistics lecturer, Dr. Mike

walked into the class to

introduce his course. After

5minutes of speaking, he

asked a question which no one

could answer. He was very

disappointed and decided not

to speak further until someone

answer his question. I knew

the answer to Dr. Mike

question but dare not stand up

to answer his question. Just

imagining the number of eyes

that would be boring holes on

my body when I stand to

answer the question could

make my mind go blank.

Dr. Mike stared at us from the

podium while we stared back

at him, with no one making

attempt to answer his

question. After the long silence

in the class, he decided to


"so out of over a hundred

students in this class, no one

can answer the question I

asked" he said

Everyone in class remained


"this class can't continue until

someone answer my question.

How am I suppose to teach

you if you don't know the

basic of this course" he said

The class still remained silent.

He stared silently at us. After a

while if silence, an idea

crossed his mind.

"I know what to do" he said

walking closer to us.

"I will start pointing you to

answer the question and once

you fail to give me the right

answer, you will leave this

class and never attend any of

my classes for the rest of this

semester." he said in serious


A faint murmur could be

heard in the class

"we you all keep shut" he

shouted in angry tone.

The look on his face showed

that he was very serious with

what he said.

I wished someone could just

answer his question and take

me out of the tensed situation

i was in. The class had

suddenly became too hot for

me to stay. I prayed silently

that God should divert the

lecturer's attention away from

anything that would make him

notice me in class. Not that I

didn't know the answer, but I

just couldn't face the whole


I could see the lecturer staring

at everyone faces, looking for

who to point. he stared at my

direction and a shiver went

down my spine. I suddenly

started sweating profusely.

"Hey, you over there" he said

pointing at my direction.

Even though he was pointing

at my direction, I was so sure

he was not pointing directly to

me. because there is no how

he could have pin-point me

out of over a hundred students

in class. so I looked back to

confirm who he was pointing

at. the person he was pointing

at must be behind me.

"why are you looking back?

I'm referring to you" he said

referring to me

"is it me sir?" I asked to be

sure he was referring to me.

"no, it's me" he mimicked me

"come on stand up and answer

my question" he barked.

I suddenly became weak when

I realized he was actually

referring to me. how was I

suppose to stand and answer

question in a class of over

hundred students.

Just as I slowly stood up, I

could see over a hundred eyes

boring holes on my body. I.....