"so how will it be comfortable

for you? will I be coming to

your place for the tutorial, or

you will be coming to my

place?" she asked.

None of the options seem

comfortable for me, I wanted

to say that but dare not say it.

"anyhow you want it" I

answered against my decision.

"Okay, we will be using both

my place and yours for the

tutorial. That would be fairer

right?" she asked

"yes" I answered

Just when I was still dealing

with the lady beside me, Joy

came and joined us. she sat at

my other side, making it two

ladies sitting beside me. I

haven't been myself sitting

beside my course rep, and Joy

had also joined us, making my

blood pressure to rise.

"hi Sharon" Joy greeted our

course rep

"hi Joy" Sharon replied

"Christian how is your body

now?" Joy asked me

"fine" I answered briefly

She saw my script with Sharon

and collected it. she stared at it

"23!" she exclaimed

"Christian you scored 23"

All eyes in class turned to our

direction immediately they

heard my score. I felt

embarrassed at the number of

eyes staring at me.

A ll eyes in class turned

to my direction

immediately they heard

my score. I felt

embarrassed at the number of

eyes staring at me. All of a

sudden, a crowd had formed

round us. My test script kept

going from one hand to the

other. The number of

questions that I was asked got

me frustrated. I only tried to

force a smile to conceal my

frustration. I was relieved

when a lecturer walked into

the class. Everyone went back

to their different seat. The

lecturer went straight to the

business of the day without

preamble. He was quite a strict

lecturer. His class was not

interactive at all. He asked no

question and didn't entertain

any question. I seemed to like

his method of teaching

because it would save me the

stress of answering question

in class.

I sneaked out of the class just

few minutes to the end of the

lecture to avoid any question

from my coursemates. I left the

faculty building and was about

going home. I heard someone

screaming my name just when

I was about going out from the

school gate. I turned to see my

coursemate, Mustack running

towards me. Mustack was the

same guy I walked into the

class with today. He was

gasping for air when he got to


"guy how far" I said to him

"guy you be flash?" he asked

"it hasn't been up to a minute

I saw you leaving the class and

you are already at the school

gate. why didn't you wait until

lecture was over before leaving

the class?" he asked

"the lecturer was already

rounding up when I left" I


"so where are you heading?"

he asked

"home" I answered

"you are going home. have you

forgotten today is Friday?" he


His question made me

confused. I never remembered

planning to do anything with

him on Friday.

"what's happening on Friday?"

I asked

"are you asking me like you

don't know" he said.

"don't you know that we are

supposed to be out there

having fun on a Friday"

This guy didn't know the kind

of person I am, because if he

knew, he wouldn't be taking

about going out to have fun.

"there is this particular bar

very close to school, it's

always lively on Fridays. Let's

go there so that I can buy you

a drink"

On a normal day, I would have

declined his offer, because I

don't like being in such places.

I'm never comfortable being in

such places, but this might be

my opportunity of making

friends with him. I have

always been a loner since I

gained admission into the

university. so I would not

reject his offer.

"Are you sure that the place

will be lively just like you

said?" i asked trying to show

interest in his offer

"you just have to see the place.

it is always flocked with

ladies" he replied

My heart missed a beat at the

mention of ladies but I tried to

look calm.

"Wow! that would be great

then" I said masking my

nervousness with a smile

"then let's start going there

already" he said smiling also

"alright bro" I responded

We headed straight to the bar

and just like he said, the place

was very lively. the number of

ladies I saw when we walked

in increased my heartbeat. we

located an empty seat at the

front and sat down. Mustack

beckoned the barman and he

approached us immediately.

"what will you like to have?"

the barman asked Mustack

"give me Goldberg" Mustack


"what will you like to drink?"

Mustack asked me

"anything" I answered

He looked at me in disgust

"is anything a name of drink?"

he asked

"why are you behaving like a

shy lady who went on a date

for the first time with her

crush" he said to me.

His words hit a vital part in

my body. He just referred to

me as a shy lady. Even when I

tried as much as possible not

to show my nervousness, he

still noticed it.

I could only force a smile.

"okay give me Goldberg" I


The barman left immediately

to get our drinks while

Mustack and I engaged in a


After few minutes, I saw

Mustack looking at a particular

direction. I followed the

direction he was looking at to

realize he was actually looking

at a particular lady at the far-


"that lady is very beautiful" he

said to me

"yeah" I responded


"I won't forgive myself if I

don't get her number" he said

"do you know her?" I asked

"must I know her to get her

number" he answered

Mustack stood up and was

walking towards the lady

"where are you going?" I asked

"to get her number of course"

he answered

I watched as Mustack

approached the lady and sat

beside her. just after few

minutes of taking to her, I

could see the lady laughing out

loud. what could he have said

to her that was making her

laugh? I suddenly wished I was

like Mustack, but no, I'm

Christian, the shy guy. When

will I ever make a lady laugh

just the way Mustack did to

that lady?

All of a sudden, Mustack and

the lady stood up and was

walking towards me. I could

hear my heart pounding in my

chest as I wondered what they

might be coming for.