I slept off 15minutes after

Sharon left my room,

without having dinner. I

woke up 5:30am the next

day. I quickly prepared for

lecture. I made sure I had

breakfast before leaving home.

I got to class just exactly when

our first lecture was about to

begin. I located an empty seat

at the back and sat down. I

stole a glance at Sylvia, to see

if she was staring at me, but

she wasn't. her attention

seemed to focus on what the

lecturer was saying. I made up

my mind that moment to

approach her immediately

after lecture and clear things

up. lecture continued and I

tried my best too to pay

attention to what the lecturer

was saying.

Immediately lecture ended,

Sylvia stood up and left the

class before I could even

approach her. I stood at a spot,

wondering why she's behaving

this way. is she mad at me?

I left the class to look for a

quiet place where I could sit

alone and clear my head of all

worries. the faculty garden

was the only place I could

think of. it is always deserted

during school hour. I located a

seat at the far-left and sat.

Just immediately I settled

down, I saw Sylvia walking

towards me from a distance. I

heaved a sigh of relief

immediately I saw. I will use

this opportunity to explain

myself to her. I need to clear

things up. I sat down patiently

for her to approach me. she

got to me and stretched a book

to me without looking at my


"Sylvia I...…"

"take this book, it will help

you a lot" she cut in


"I wanted to give you this

when I came to your place

yesterday, but since you were

busy, I just had to take it

back" she said, still not looking

at my face.

"Sylvia I...."

"take it now. I have other

things to attend to" she cut in


I collected the book from her,

and she walked out on me

immediately, without sparing

me a glance. I stared at her

retreating figure for a while

before turning my gaze back to

the book she just gave me. '

secrets of the age' was boldly

written on the book cover as

the title. I stood up two

minutes later and left the


I left the school immediately

after lectures for that day and

went home.

I took the book Sylvia gave me

and busied myself with it. I

was marveled by what I

discovered, after reading just

four pages. I dropped the book

and took my phone from my

bed. I dialed Sharon number

and she picked after the

second beep.

"hello Christian" she said

"hi Sharon, can we suspend

today tutorial. I won't be

around this evening" I said

"where are you going to?" she


"I'm actually going to see

someone" I responded

"okay, no problem" she said

"thanks very much. we will

continue tomorrow" I said

"okay" she responded.

I ended the call, took my wallet

from my table and left my

room immediately.

20 minutes later, I found

myself standing at Sylvia's

door. I knock softly on the

door and waited patiently for

her to open her door. she

opened the door a minute later

and froze when she saw me. I

could see the surprised look on

her face.

"what are you doing here?"

she asked

"Sylvia let me explain" I said,

not even sure of what I wanted

to explain.

"Christian I don't know what

you want to explain. you owe

me no explanation for your

action" she said softly.

"Sylvia what you are


"Christian" she cut in

"stop disturbing yourself. I'm

not thinking about anything"


"Christian" she cut in again

"you have a speech to deliver

next week. focus your

attention on that and stop

disturbing yourself over


I seemed not to understand

why she was preventing me

from saying what I have in

mind, but I just had to remain

silent since she didn't want me

to speak.

"okay, I will take my leave

now. thanks for the book. I

really appreciate it" I said

I waited to see if she would

respond but she didn't. I

turned and left her place


I got back home exactly

6:45pm. I lay on my bed and

tried to think of a way to make

Sylvia listen to what I have to

say. I know she's angry with

me. if not, she would have

listen to what I have to say.

I heard a knock on my door

few minutes later. I quickly

turned my gaze to the door. I

wasn't expecting anyone. I

already told Sharon that I

won't be around. so definitely,

she won't be the one at the

door. I stood up from my bed

and walked to the door. I

opened the door to see Sylvia

standing at the door. I stared

at her open-mouthed. I never

expected to see her standing at

my door. I left her place not

quite long and she was already

at my place. I thought she was

angry with me.

"Sylvia" I managed to call

"please come in"

she didn't move an inch from

the spot she was standing. she

just kept staring at me. I stared

back at her, not knowing what

to say next. she brought out a

book from her handbag and

gave to me.

"add it to the one I gave you

before. it will help you

overcome shyness." she said

"thank you very much Sylvia.

you are one in a million" I


"make sure you read the book"

she said

"I will surely read it" I


"are you busy now?" she asked

"no, I'm not busy" I responded


Even if I was busy, I would

have suspended everything I

was doing just for her.

"okay, today is the school

praise night. different

fellowship in school would

gather together to sing in front

of a large crowd. I will also be

singing in tonight's event. I

want you to come and watch

me sing." she said

I didn't allow her to speak

further. I rushed into my

room, took my wallet from my

bed and rushed out to meet


"let's go. I'm ready" I said


"thanks" she responded

We left my place and headed

straight to the school.